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Routines |
Prev: F5FB | Up: Map | Next: F686 |
Used by many command lists to make a character go to a specified place.
F600 | CALL $7CC8 | Collect the destination coordinates from the command list | ||||||
F603 | JR $F616 | |||||||
This entry point is used by the command lists at 61EA, FCF4, FD16, FD30, FD4E, FD6E and FD86 to make a character carry Sam to a location.
F605 | CALL $7CC8 | Collect the destination coordinates from the command list | ||||||
F608 | LD (HL),$0A | Change the address of the primary command routine in bytes 0x08 and 0x09 of the character's buffer to F60A (below) | ||||||
F60A | CALL $F698 | Exit now if the character is midstride | ||||||
F60D | CALL $ED8C | Determine the next move the character should make to reach his destination | ||||||
F610 | AND A | Has the character reached his destination? | ||||||
F611 | JR Z,$F61F | Move to the next command in the command list if so | ||||||
F613 | JP $7327 | Move the character one step towards his destination | ||||||
The character is not carrying Sam.
F616 | LD (HL),$18 | Change the address of the primary command routine in bytes 0x08 and 0x09 of the character's buffer to F618 (below) | ||||||
F618 | CALL $F698 | Exit now if the character is midstride | ||||||
F61B | CALL $ED8C | Determine the next move the character should make to reach his destination | ||||||
F61E | AND A | Has the character reached his destination? | ||||||
F61F | JP Z,$F280 | Move to the next command in the command list if so | ||||||
F622 | CP $05 | Is the character standing next to a closed door? | ||||||
F624 | JR NC,$F67C | Jump if so | ||||||
F626 | PUSH AF | Save the direction indicator | ||||||
F627 | LD BC,$F5CE | Point BC at the interruptible subcommand routine at F5CE | ||||||
F62A | LD L,$0D | Pick up the location/destination indicator from byte 0x0D of the character's buffer | ||||||
F62C | LD A,(HL) | |||||||
F62D | AND A | Is the character on the sidewalk or the road (or on the front steps of the hotel but heading somewhere other than the hotel)? | ||||||
F62E | JR NZ,$F64B | Jump if not | ||||||
F630 | LD BC,$F5FB | Point BC at the interruptible subcommand routine at F5FB | ||||||
F633 | LD L,$10 | Place the x- or y-coordinate of the character's intermediate destination into byte 0x10 of his buffer | ||||||
F635 | LD (HL),E | |||||||
F636 | LD L,$0F | Copy the interruptible subcommand routine address in BC (F5AC, F5CE or F5FB) into bytes 0x0E and 0x0F of the character's buffer | ||||||
F638 | LD (HL),B | |||||||
F639 | DEC L | |||||||
F63A | LD (HL),C | |||||||
F63B | POP AF | Restore the direction indicator (1-4) to A | ||||||
F63C | DEC A | Does the character need to move right next to reach his destination? | ||||||
F63D | JP Z,$EBAE | Jump if so | ||||||
F640 | DEC A | Does the character need to move left? | ||||||
F641 | JP Z,$EBBB | Jump if so | ||||||
F644 | DEC A | Does the character need to move up? | ||||||
F645 | JP Z,$EB9B | Jump if so | ||||||
F648 | JP $EBA0 | Make the character move down | ||||||
The character is not on the sidewalk or road.
F64B | DEC A | Is the character's destination in a region other than the one he's in at the moment? | ||||||
F64C | JR NZ,$F66B | Jump if so | ||||||
F64E | LD L,$02 | Collect the character's y-coordinate from byte 0x02 of his buffer | ||||||
F650 | LD A,(HL) | |||||||
F651 | CP $1F | Is the character on or below the level of the first floor? | ||||||
F653 | JR NC,$F662 | Jump if so | ||||||
F655 | LD L,$0A | Point HL at byte 0x0A of the character's buffer | ||||||
F657 | LD E,(HL) | E=character's destination x-coordinate | ||||||
F658 | INC L | L=0x0B | ||||||
F659 | CP (HL) | Is the character's y-coordinate the same as that of his destination? | ||||||
F65A | JR Z,$F633 | If so, send the character to his destination x-coordinate (on the same floor) | ||||||
F65C | LD E,(HL) | E=character's destination y-coordinate | ||||||
F65D | LD BC,$F5AC | Point BC at the interruptible subcommand routine at F5AC | ||||||
F660 | JR $F633 | Send the character up or down the stairs towards his destination | ||||||
The character is in the same region as his destination, and on or below the level of the first floor.
F662 | LD L,$04 | Byte 0x04 of the character's buffer holds his z-coordinate | ||||||
F664 | BIT 0,(HL) | Is the character indoors (z=1)? | ||||||
F666 | CALL NZ,$F485 | If so, make him consider flipping a light switch | ||||||
F669 | JR $F63B | Move the character one step closer to his destination | ||||||
The character's destination is in a region other than the one he's in at the moment.
F66B | LD L,$02 | Collect the character's y-coordinate from byte 0x02 of his buffer | ||||||
F66D | LD A,(HL) | |||||||
F66E | LD E,$1F | This is the y-coordinate of the first floor | ||||||
F670 | CP E | Is the character above the first floor? | ||||||
F671 | JR C,$F65D | Jump if so to send him down to the first floor | ||||||
F673 | LD L,$04 | Byte 0x04 of the character's buffer holds his z-coordinate | ||||||
F675 | BIT 0,(HL) | Is the character indoors (z=1)? | ||||||
F677 | CALL NZ,$F5A0 | If so, make him consider flipping a light switch off before leaving | ||||||
F67A | JR $F63B | Move the character one step closer to his destination | ||||||
F67C | JP Z,$F32C | Jump if the character is standing behind a closed door | ||||||
F67F | LD L,$0F | Prepare the MSB of the address of the interruptible subcommand routine at F346 in byte 0x0F of the character's buffer | ||||||
F681 | LD (HL),$F3 | |||||||
F683 | JP $F338 | Prepare the LSB and raise the character's arm |
Prev: F5FB | Up: Map | Next: F686 |