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ED8C: Determine the next move a character should make to reach his destination
Used by the routines at 72B1, 7996, 7A82 and F600. Returns with A holding a value that indicates the next move the character should make (if any) to reach his destination.
A Meaning the character should...
0 Do nothing (the character is already at his destination)
1 Go right
2 Go left
3 Go up
4 Go down
5 Open a door from the inside
6 Knock on a door or use a key
H Character number (0xD7-0xE6)
ED8C CALL $7C40 Deal with the case where the character will soon be entering or leaving the hotel; otherwise return here
ED8F LD L,$0D Initialise the location/destination indicator in byte 0x0D of the character's buffer to 0
ED91 LD (HL),$00
ED93 AND A Is the character on the sidewalk or the road?
ED94 JR NZ,$EDD3 Jump if not
ED96 DEC L L=0x0C
ED97 LD A,(HL) A=destination location identifier (see ED36)
ED98 AND A Is the character's destination on the sidewalk or the road?
ED99 JR NZ,$EDAA Jump if not
The next section of code deals with the case where the character can reach his destination simply by continuing to move left or right. The routine at 7C40 re-enters here (from the opening CALL in this routine) if the character is on the front steps of the hotel, and his destination is on the first floor or the front steps of the hotel.
ED9B LD L,$0A Point HL at byte 0x0A of the character's buffer
ED9D LD E,(HL) E=destination x-coordinate
ED9E LD A,E Copy this to A
ED9F LD L,$01 Does the character's x-coordinate match the destination x-coordinate?
EDA2 LD A,$00 Return with A=0 (do nothing) if so
EDA5 LD A,$01 Return with A=1 (go right) if the character's x-coordinate is less than the destination x-coordinate
EDA8 INC A A=2 (go left)
The character is on the sidewalk or the road, and his destination is somewhere other than the sidewalk or the road. Move the character left or right towards the building he's destined for, or make him go up a step if he's reached the front steps of the building.
EDAA AND $F0 Keep only the region identifier bits (bits 4-7) of the destination
EDAC RRCA Shift them into bits 1-4
EDAF ADD A,$96 A=0x98+2n (n=0x00-0x0B, 0x0D or 0x0E)
EDB1 LD C,A Point BC at the entry in the table of building entrance x-coordinates at FF98 that corresponds to the character's destination
EDB4 LD L,$01 Point HL at byte 0x01 of the character's buffer
EDB6 LD A,(BC) Pick up the lower x-coordinate of the building entrance
EDB7 LD E,A Copy it to E
EDB8 CP (HL) Compare it with the character's x-coordinate
EDB9 LD A,L A=1 (go right)
EDBA JR NZ,$EDC1 Jump unless the x-coordinates match
EDBD BIT 7,(HL) Is the character facing right?
EDBF JR NZ,$EDCD Jump if so
EDC1 RET NC Return with A=1 (go right)
EDC2 INC C Pick up the upper x-coordinate of the building entrance
EDC4 LD E,A Copy it to E
EDC5 CP (HL) Compare it with the character's x-coordinate
EDC6 LD A,$02 A=2 (go left)
EDC8 RET NZ Return unless the x-coordinates match
EDC9 DEC L L=0x00
EDCA BIT 7,(HL) Is the character facing right?
EDCC RET NZ Return with A=2 (go left) if so
EDCD LD L,$0D Set byte 0x0D of the character's buffer to 1 (indicating that the character is no longer on the sidewalk or the road, and is in the same region as his destination)
EDD0 LD A,$03 A=3 (go up)
The character is on neither the sidewalk nor the road.
EDD3 INC (HL) Set byte 0x0D of the character's buffer to 1 (indicating that the character is on neither the sidewalk nor the road)
EDD5 INC A Is the character on the fire escape of the apartment building next to no. 19?
EDD6 JR NZ,$EDFD Jump if not
The character is on the fire escape of the apartment building next to no. 19.
EDD8 LD A,(HL) A=destination location identifier (see ED36)
EDD9 INC A Set the zero flag if the destination is on the fire escape
EDDA SCF Set the carry flag: the character will go back up the fire escape (if his destination is not on the fire escape)
EDDB JR NZ,$EDE4 Jump if the destination is not on the fire escape
EDDE LD A,(HL) A=character's destination y-coordinate
EDDF LD L,$02 Point HL at byte 0x02 of the character's buffer
EDE1 CP (HL) Does the character's y-coordinate match that of his destination?
EDE2 JR Z,$ED9B If so, move the character left or right towards his destination
EDE4 PUSH AF Save the carry flag briefly
EDE5 PUSH HL Save the character number briefly
EDE6 CALL $EB13 Obtain descriptors for the character's current location
EDE9 POP HL Restore the character number to H
EDEA POP AF Restore the carry flag
EDEB LD A,C Copy the direction descriptor bits (see EB13) to A
EDEC JR NC,$EDF5 Jump if the character's y-coordinate is less than that of his destination
The character is on the fire escape of the apartment building next to no. 19, and his destination is either not on the fire escape, or somewhere further up the fire escape. In this case the character will go up the fire escape.
EDEE AND $10 Set the zero flag unless the character is next to a step going up to the right
EDF0 LD A,$03 A=3 (go up)
EDF2 RET NZ Return if the character is next to a step going up to the right
EDF3 DEC A A=2 (go left)
The character is on the fire escape of the apartment building next to no. 19, and his destination is somewhere further down the fire escape. In this case the character will go down the fire escape.
EDF5 AND $08 Set the zero flag unless the character is next to a step going down to the left
EDF7 LD A,$04 A=4 (go down)
EDF9 RET NZ Return if the character is next to a step going down to the left
EDFA LD A,$01 A=1 (go right)
The character is on neither the sidewalk nor the road, nor on the fire escape of the apartment building next to no. 19.
EDFD DEC A A=identifier for the character's current location (see ED36)
EDFE LD B,(HL) B=destination location identifier (see ED36)
EDFF INC B Is the destination on the fire escape of the apartment building next to no. 19?
EE00 JR NZ,$EE09 Jump if not
EE02 CP $FD Is the character on the rim of the roof of the apartment building next to no. 19?
EE04 JR NZ,$EE09 Jump if not
EE06 LD A,$04 A=4 (go down)
The character is on neither the sidewalk nor the road, nor on the fire escape of the apartment building next to no. 19; in addition, either his destination is not on the fire escape, or he is not on the rim of the roof of the apartment building next to no. 19.
EE09 LD B,A B=identifier for the character's current location (see ED36)
EE0A AND $F0 Keep only the region identifier bits (bits 4-7)
EE0C LD C,A Copy them to C
EE0D LD A,(HL) Collect the destination location identifier from byte 0x0C of the character's buffer
EE0E AND $F0 Keep only the region identifier bits (bits 4-7)
EE10 CP C Is the character in the same region as his destination?
EE11 JP NZ,$EEAC Jump if not
The character is in the same region as his destination.
EE14 LD A,B A=identifier for the character's current location (see ED36)
EE15 CP (HL) Compare it with the identifier for the character's destination
EE16 JR NZ,$EE26 Jump unless they match
The character is in the same region as his destination, and also on the same floor.
EE18 LD L,$0B A=character's destination y-coordinate
EE1B LD L,$02 Compare this with the character's current y-coordinate
EE1E JP Z,$ED9B If they match, move the character left or right towards his destination
EE21 LD A,$03 A=3 (go up)
EE23 RET C Return if the character's current y-coordinate is greater than that of his destination
EE24 INC A A=4 (go down)
The character is in the same region as his destination, but either on a different floor, or outside the entrance to a shop or building when the destination is on the first floor inside (or vice versa).
EE26 JR C,$EE6C Jump if the character is below his destination
EE28 AND $0F Keep only bits 0-3 of the identifier for the character's current location
EE2A CP $04 Is the character in a shop or on the first floor of a building (inside)?
EE2C JR NZ,$EE5E Jump if not
EE2E LD A,(HL) A=destination location identifier
EE2F AND $0F Keep only bits 0-3
EE31 CP $02 Set the zero flag if the destination is outside the entrance
EE33 LD L,$01 Point HL at byte 0x01 of the character's buffer
EE35 JR NZ,$EE49 Jump unless the destination is outside the entrance
EE37 LD A,(HL) A=character's x-coordinate
EE38 LD L,$0A Does it match the destination x-coordinate?
EE3B JR NZ,$EE47 Jump if not
EE3D PUSH DE Save the staircase endpoint x-coordinates briefly
EE3E PUSH HL Save the character number briefly
EE3F CALL $EB13 Obtain descriptors for the character's current location
EE42 POP HL Restore the character number to H
EE43 POP DE Restore the staircase endpoint x-coordinates to DE
EE44 SUB $03 Is the character standing at the (open) entrance to a building?
EE46 RET Z Return with A=0 (do nothing) if so
EE47 LD L,$01 Point HL at byte 0x01 of the character's buffer
EE49 LD A,(HL) A=character's x-coordinate
EE4A CP D Is the character standing at the top of the steps down to the sidewalk or the floor below?
EE4B JR NZ,$EE59 If not, send the character towards the top of the steps
EE4D PUSH HL Save the character number briefly
EE4E CALL $EB13 Obtain descriptors for the character's current location
EE51 POP HL Restore the character number to H
EE52 INC A Is the character standing next to the open entrance to a building?
EE53 CP $04
EE55 RET Z Return with A=4 (go down) if so
EE56 LD A,$05 A=5 (open the door)
EE59 LD A,$01 A=1 (go right)
EE5C INC A A=2 (go left)
Either the character is in the same region as his destination, but above it, and not in a shop or on the first floor of a building (inside); or the character is not in the same region as his destination, and is inside a building somewhere above the first floor.
EE5E BIT 0,A Set the zero flag unless the character is on a staircase between floors
EE60 LD A,$04 A=4 (go down)
EE62 RET NZ Return if the character is on a staircase between floors
EE63 LD L,$01 Point HL at byte 0x01 of the character's buffer
EE65 LD A,(HL) A=character's x-coordinate
EE66 CP D Compare it with the x-coordinate of the top of the staircase leading down to the floor below
EE67 LD A,$04 A=4 (go down)
EE69 RET Z Return if the character is standing at the top of the staircase leading down to the floor below
EE6A JR $EE59 Send the character towards the top of the staircase
The character is in the same region as his destination, but below it.
EE6C CALL $7083 Deal with the case where the character is on the roof of the police station or the apartment building next to no. 19 and is destined for the edge of that roof; otherwise return here
EE70 JR NZ,$EE9C Jump unless the character is standing outside the entrance to a shop or other building
EE72 LD A,(HL) A=destination location identifier (see ED36)
EE73 AND $0F Keep only bits 0-3
EE75 CP $04 Set the zero flag if the destination is inside the shop or on the first floor of the building outside the entrance to which the character is standing
EE77 LD L,$01 Point HL at byte 0x01 of the character's buffer
EE79 JR NZ,$EE8B Jump unless the destination is inside the shop or on the first floor of the building outside the entrance to which the character is standing
EE7B LD A,(HL) A=character's x-coordinate
EE7C LD L,$0A Compare this with the destination x-coordinate
EE7F JR NZ,$EE8B Jump unless they match
EE81 PUSH DE Save the staircase endpoint x-coordinates briefly
EE82 PUSH HL Save the character number briefly
EE83 CALL $EB13 Obtain descriptors for the character's current location
EE86 POP HL Restore the character number to H
EE87 POP DE Restore the staircase endpoint x-coordinates to DE
EE88 SUB $03 Is the entrance next to which the character is standing open?
EE8A RET Z Return with A=0 (do nothing) if so
The character is standing outside the entrance to a shop or other building, and his destination is somewhere inside that shop or building.
EE8C CALL $F905 Is the character standing at the right spot to enter the building or knock on the door?
EE8F JR NZ,$EEA8 Jump if not
EE91 PUSH HL Save the character number briefly
EE92 CALL $EB13 Obtain descriptors for the character's current location
EE95 POP HL Restore the character number to H
EE96 CP $03 Set the zero flag if the entrance is open
EE98 JP $F91E Check whether the character should enter the building or knock first
EE9B NOP This instruction is never executed
If we get here, then either the character is in the same region as his destination, but below it, and is not standing outside the entrance to a shop or other building; or the character is inside or on the roof of the police station and heading for no. 27 (or vice versa), and will be going via the roofs (instead of going down to the sidewalk).
EE9C BIT 0,A Bit 0 of A is set if the character is on a staircase
EE9E LD A,$03 A=3 (go up)
EEA0 RET NZ Return if the character is on a staircase
EEA1 LD L,$01 Point HL at byte 0x01 of the character's buffer
EEA3 LD A,(HL) A=character's x-coordinate
EEA4 CP E Compare this with the x-coordinate of the bottom of the staircase leading to the floor above
EEA5 LD A,$03 Return with A=3 (go up) if the character is at the bottom of the staircase leading to the floor above
EEA8 LD A,L Return with A=1 (go right) if the character is to the left of either the bottom of the staircase leading to the floor above, or the correct spot at which to enter the building or knock on the door
EEAA INC A A=2 (go left)
The character is not in the same region as his destination.
EEAC INC L Set byte 0x0D of the character's buffer to 2 (to indicate that the character is not on the sidewalk or the road, and is heading for some region other than the one he's in)
EEAF CP $60 Is the character going to the police station?
EEB1 JR Z,$EEBE Jump if so
EEB3 CP $70 Is the character going to no. 27?
EEB5 JR NZ,$EECA Jump if not
The character is going to no. 27, and is not in the same region as that building.
EEB7 LD A,C A=region identifier for the character's current location
EEB8 CP $60 Is the character inside or on the roof of the police station?
EEBA JR NZ,$EECA Jump if not
The character is going to the police station, and is not in the same region as that building.
EEBE LD A,C A=region identifier for the character's current location
EEBF CP $70 Is the character inside or on the roof of no. 27?
EEC1 JR NZ,$EECA Jump if not
The character is either inside or on the roof of no. 27 and heading for the police station, or inside or on the roof of the police station and heading for no. 27.
EEC3 LD A,B A=identifier for the character's current location (0x60-0x6D if it's the police station, or 0x70-0x7D if it's no. 27; see ED36)
EEC4 ADD A,(HL) Add the destination location identifier
EEC5 CP $E1 Reset the carry flag if it would be quicker to go via the roofs than back down to the sidewalk
EEC7 LD A,B A=identifier for the character's current location (see ED36)
EEC8 JR NC,$EE9C Jump if it would be quicker to go via the roofs than back down to the sidewalk
The character is not in the same region as his destination. Figure out his next move towards the destination via the sidewalk.
EECA LD A,B A=identifier for the character's current location (see ED36)
EECB AND $0F Keep only bits 0-3
EECD CP $04 Is the character inside a shop or on the first floor of a building (inside)?
EECF JP Z,$EE47 If so, send him towards the entrance
EED2 CP $01 Is the character on the front steps of a building below the first floor?
EED4 JP NZ,$EE5E If not, send the character towards the top of the staircase leading down to the floor below
The character is not in the same region as his destination, and is on the front steps of a building below the first floor. Figure out which direction to take down the steps towards the destination.
EED7 PUSH HL Save the character number briefly
EED8 CALL $EB13 Obtain descriptors for the character's current location
EEDB POP HL Restore the character number to H
EEDC LD L,$01 Point HL at byte 0x01 of the character's buffer
EEDE LD A,(HL) A=character's x-coordinate
EEDF LD L,$0A Compare this with the character's destination x-coordinate
EEE2 LD A,C Copy the direction descriptor bits (see EB13) to A
EEE3 JR NC,$EEF5 Jump if the character's x-coordinate is greater than or equal to the destination x-coordinate
EEE5 AND $04 Is the character next to a step going down to the right?
EEE7 JR NZ,$EEEC Jump if not
EEE9 LD A,$04 A=4 (go down)
EEEC LD L,$00 Point HL at byte 0x00 of the character's buffer
EEEE BIT 7,(HL) Is the character facing right?
EEF0 JR NZ,$EEE9 Jump if so to set A=4 (go down)
EEF2 LD A,$01 A=1 (go right)
EEF5 AND $08 Is the character standing next to a step going down to the left?
EEF7 JR Z,$EEE9 Jump if not to set A=4 (go down)
EEF9 LD L,$00 Point HL at byte 0x00 of the character's buffer
EEFB BIT 7,(HL) Is the character facing left?
EEFD JR Z,$EEE9 Jump if so to set A=4 (go down)
EEFF LD A,$02 A=2 (go left)
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