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EB13: Obtain descriptors for a character's current location
Used by the routines at 710E, EBBB, ED8C, F308 and FA05. Looks for a location descriptor that corresponds to the character's current location and returns with A and C (and possibly also B) holding values derived from that descriptor.
A location descriptor is a single byte (Q) if the location is on the sidewalk or road, or a sequence of two bytes ((Q,Q'), where bit 7 of Q is reset), or a sequence of three bytes ((Q,Q',Q''), where bit 7 of Q is set). For the location it corresponds to, a descriptor indicates the directions in which a character may move, and the directions that would require a change of z-coordinate; it may also indicate whether there is a door that can close at the location, and whether any movement from the location requires special handling by a separate routine (e.g. on the edge of a roof, or just behind the jail cell door).
The single-byte location descriptors (Q) that correspond to locations on the sidewalk or road can be found in the table at C400. The blocks of two- and three-byte location descriptors for locations not on the sidewalk or road are organised by x-coordinate; the LSBs and MSBs of their addresses can be found in the tables at C500 and C600.
The first byte, Q, of a multi-byte location descriptor indicates the y-coordinate (y) and z-coordinate(s) (z) of the location to which the descriptor corresponds. In a two-byte descriptor (bit 7 of Q reset), bits 1-5 of Q hold y-4, and z is 2 if bit 6 is set, or 1 otherwise. In a three-byte descriptor (bit 7 of Q set), bits 0-4 of Q hold y-4, and z is determined by bits 5 and 6: if bit 6 is set, z=1 or 2 (meaning that the location is next to the entrance to a building); otherwise, z=2 if bit 5 is set or 1 if it's reset.
This routine returns with A holding the location type indicator (1-5), and C and B holding the values derived from the relevant location descriptor:
A C B Meaning
1 Q - The sidewalk or the road
3 Q' Q'' At the (open) entrance to a building
4 Q' Q'' Behind or in front of a closed door
5 Q' Q'' Location requires special handling
2 Q' - Regular location (none of the above)
The value in C (Q or Q') is the direction descriptor, which indicates the directions that are available, and (when A=1 or 5) the directions that require special handling:
Bit Meaning if set
7 Access to the left is granted
6 Access to the right is granted
5 There is a step going up to the left
4 There is a step going up to the right
3 There is a step going down to the left
2 There is a step going down to the right
1 Character's z-coordinate will be 2 after going up to the left (when A=1), or moving left requires special handling (when A=5; see EC45)
0 Character's z-coordinate will be 2 after going up to the right (when A=1), or moving right requires special handling (when A=5; see EC45)
When A=3, B returns holding Q'', the third byte of the location descriptor. Bit 0 of this byte is set if there is a door that can close at the given location; bits 2-7 indicate whether the adjacent location in the corresponding direction is inside (set) or outside (reset) the building, and therefore may require a transition of the character's z-coordinate between 1 and 2 (see 76BC):
Bit Direction
7 Left
6 Right
5 Up/left
4 Up/right
3 Down/left
2 Down/right
When A=5, B returns holding Q'', the third byte of the location descriptor; this byte determines the address of the routine to handle movement to the left or right at a special location (see EC45).
H Character number (0xD7-0xE6)
EB13 CALL $EAF8 Is the character on the sidewalk or the road?
EB16 JR C,$EB20 Jump if not
EB18 LD (HL),L Set the character's z-coordinate to 4 (on the sidewalk or road)
EB19 LD D,$C4 Collect a location descriptor from the table at C400
EB1C LD C,A Copy the location descriptor to C
EB1D LD A,$01 A=1 (character is on the sidewalk or the road)
The character is not on the sidewalk or the road.
EB20 LD A,(HL) A=character's z-coordinate
EB21 CP $04 Is the character outside?
EB23 JR NZ,$EB27 Jump if not
EB25 LD (HL),$02 Set the character's z-coordinate to 2
EB27 LD A,D A=y, the character's y-coordinate (6-35)
EB28 SUB $04 B=4*(y-4)
EB2D BIT 0,(HL) Is the character indoors?
EB2F JR NZ,$EB33 Jump if so
EB31 SET 7,B B=128+4*(y-4) if the character's z-coordinate is 2
Now B holds a value indicating the character's y-coordinate (bits 2-6: y-4) and z-coordinate (bit 7: z-1).
EB33 EX DE,HL L=character's x-coordinate
EB34 LD H,$C5 Collect an LSB from the table at C500
EB36 LD A,(HL)
EB37 SUB $02 Subtract 2 from this LSB
EB39 INC H Point HL at an MSB in the table at C600
EB3A LD H,(HL) Pick up the MSB in H
EB3B LD E,L E=character's x-coordinate
EB3C LD L,A Now HL holds 2 less than the address formed by the LSB and MSB just collected from the tables at C500 and C600
The loop that iterates over the location descriptors for the character's x-coordinate begins here.
EB3D INC L Move HL along the location descriptor table
This entry point is used by the routine at ED30.
EB3E INC L Point HL at the first byte of a location descriptor
EB3F JR Z,$EB45 Jump if we reached a page boundary
EB41 LD A,(HL) Pick up the first byte (Q) of the location descriptor
EB42 INC A Have we reached the end of the location descriptors for the character's x-coordinate?
EB43 JR NZ,$EB4A Jump if not
The character is not at any of the locations to which the location descriptors for his x-coordinate correspond.
EB45 LD C,$C0 Bits 7 and 6 set: the character can move left or right only
EB47 LD A,$02 A=2: regular location
Here we examine a location descriptor and check whether the character is at the location to which it corresponds.
EB4A DEC A A=Q (first byte of the location descriptor)
EB4B INC L Point HL at the second byte of the location descriptor
EB4C ADD A,A Is bit 7 of Q set (meaning this location is next to the entrance to a building or requires special handling)?
EB4D JR C,$EB56 Jump if so
EB4F CP B Is the character at the location to which the location descriptor corresponds?
EB50 JR NZ,$EB3E Move along to the next location descriptor if not
EB52 LD C,(HL) C=Q' (second byte of the location descriptor)
EB53 LD A,$02 A=2: regular location
The location descriptor being examined has bit 7 of its first byte set, which means that it corresponds to a location that is next to the entrance to a building, or a location that requires special handling.
EB56 ADD A,A Is bit 6 of Q set (meaning this location is next to the entrance to a building)?
EB57 JR C,$EB62 Jump if so
EB59 CP B Is the character at the location to which the location descriptor corresponds?
EB5A JR NZ,$EB3D Move along to the next location descriptor if not
EB5C LD A,$05 A=5: this location requires special handling
EB5E LD C,(HL) Collect the second and third bytes of the location descriptor (Q' and Q'') in C and B
EB60 LD B,(HL)
The location descriptor being examined has bits 7 and 6 of its first byte set, which means that it corresponds to a location that is next to the entrance to a building (where a character's z-coordinate may be 1 or 2).
EB62 LD C,B C=4*(y-4) (where y is the character's y-coordinate)
EB63 RES 7,C
EB65 CP C Is the character at the location to which the location descriptor corresponds?
EB66 JR NZ,$EB3D Move along to the next location descriptor if not
The character is standing next to the entrance to a building. Check whether a closed door is in his way.
EB68 INC L Point HL at the third byte of the location descriptor
EB69 BIT 0,(HL) Is there a door at this location?
EB6B JR Z,$EB7E Jump if not
EB6D LD A,E A=x, the character's x-coordinate
EB6E INC A A=INT((x+1)/8)
EB72 AND $1F
EB74 PUSH HL Save the location descriptor pointer briefly
EB75 LD L,A Point HL at the entry in the table of Z values at BD00 that corresponds to the door
EB78 BIT 2,(HL) Set the zero flag if the door is open
EB7A POP HL Restore the location descriptor pointer to HL
EB7B JP NZ,$ED30 Jump if the door is closed to find the location descriptor that corresponds to the character's z-coordinate (1=behind the door, 2=in front of it)
EB7E LD A,$03 A=3: the character is standing next to the open entrance to a building
EB80 DEC L Point HL at the second byte of the location descriptor
EB81 JR $EB5E Jump back to collect the second and third bytes (Q' and Q'') in C and B
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