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Routines |
Prev: 29895 | Up: Map | Next: 30096 |
The address of this uninterruptible subcommand routine is placed into bytes 17 and 18 of a catapult pellet's buffer by the routine at 30380 when it has hit either the tree or a water/sherry-filled cup, and thus released a conker or a drop of water or sherry.
29896 | LD L,2 | |||||||
29898 | LD A,(HL) | A=y-coordinate of the falling object | ||||||
29899 | CP 17 | Has the object hit the bottom floor yet? | ||||||
29901 | JR NZ,29915 | Jump if not | ||||||
This entry point is used by the routines at 29568, 30380, 57910, 62178, 63586 and 64077 to 'kill' a non-human object (i.e. pellet, frog, desk lid, stinkbomb cloud, water/sherry fired from pistol).
29903 | LD L,18 | Remove the address of this routine from bytes 17 and 18 of the object's buffer | ||||||
29905 | LD (HL),0 | |||||||
This entry point is used by the routine at 31254 to make a mouse disappear temporarily.
29907 | CALL 25012 | Update the SRB for the object's current animatory state and location | ||||||
This entry point is used by the routine at 64057 to hide water from the water pistol.
29910 | LD L,1 | Set the object's x-coordinate to 224 (out of sight) | ||||||
29912 | LD (HL),224 | |||||||
29914 | RET | |||||||
The falling object has yet to hit the floor. Has it hit anything else on the way there?
29915 | CP 13 | Is the object at the right height to hit someone? | ||||||
29917 | JR Z,29926 | Jump if so | ||||||
29919 | CALL 25012 | Update the SRB for the object's current animatory state and location | ||||||
29922 | INC D | The object will fall one more level | ||||||
29923 | JP 24880 | Update the object's location and update the SRB | ||||||
The object is at the right height to hit someone. Check if it has.
29926 | LD L,1 | Point HL at byte 1 of the object's buffer | ||||||
29928 | LD E,(HL) | E=falling object's x-coordinate | ||||||
29929 | LD D,17 | This is the y-coordinate of the bottom floor (the only floor on which characters can be hit by a falling object) | ||||||
29931 | CALL 29856 | Check if any of the six adult characters were hit | ||||||
29934 | LD L,0 | Point HL at byte 0 of the object's buffer | ||||||
29936 | LD A,(HL) | A=animatory state of the falling object | ||||||
29937 | JR Z,29999 | Jump if an adult character was hit by the falling object | ||||||
29939 | CP 55 | 55: Is the falling object a conker? | ||||||
29941 | JR NZ,29919 | Jump if not | ||||||
The falling object is a conker.
29943 | LD L,2 | Set the conker's y-coordinate to 17 (bottom floor) for comparison with that of the potential targets | ||||||
29945 | LD (HL),17 | |||||||
Before calling the routine at 27820 to check whether any of the four main kids (besides ERIC) have been hit, D should be set to 206 (BOY WANDER, the first main kid), and B should be set to 4 (the number of kids to check). However, at this point D=17 and B=206, which means that instead of checking the character buffers in pages 206-209, we end up checking pages 17-222. In that range, only pages 183-214 contain character buffers; treating the other pages in RAM as if they contained character buffers could lead to data/code corruption. Needless to say, this is a bug.
29947 | CALL 27820 | Check whether anyone was hit by the conker | ||||||
29950 | LD L,2 | Set the conker's y-coordinate back to 13 | ||||||
29952 | LD (HL),13 | |||||||
29954 | JR C,29919 | Jump if nobody was hit by the conker | ||||||
29956 | LD A,D | A=number of the character hit by the conker | ||||||
29957 | CP 207 | Was it BOY WANDER (206)? | ||||||
29959 | JR C,29982 | Jump if so | ||||||
29961 | CP 209 | |||||||
29963 | LD A,10 | ERIC gets 100 points for conkering ANGELFACE or EINSTEIN | ||||||
29965 | JR NC,29982 | Jump unless ANGELFACE (207) or EINSTEIN (208) was hit | ||||||
29967 | CALL 29621 | Add 100 to the score and print it | ||||||
29970 | PUSH DE | |||||||
Celebrate the conkering of ANGELFACE or EINSTEIN with a sound effect.
29971 | LD D,40 | Make a sound effect with A=7 and C=18 (border alternating white and cyan) | ||||||
29973 | LD BC,10258 | |||||||
29976 | LD A,7 | |||||||
29978 | CALL 29836 | |||||||
29981 | POP DE | |||||||
This entry point is used by the routine at 30786.
29982 | PUSH DE | |||||||
This entry point is used by the routine at 30380.
29983 | CALL 29903 | Terminate the object | ||||||
29986 | POP DE | |||||||
This entry point is used by the routine at 30739 to knock a character over.
29987 | EX DE,HL | |||||||
29988 | LD A,H | A=number of the character hit by the object or fist | ||||||
29989 | CP 210 | Was it ERIC? | ||||||
29991 | JR NZ,30023 | Jump if not | ||||||
This entry point is used by the routine at 24328.
29993 | LD A,128 | Set bit 7 at 32763: ERIC has been knocked down | ||||||
29995 | LD (32763),A | |||||||
29998 | RET | |||||||
An adult character was hit by the falling object.
29999 | CP 55 | Is the falling object a conker? | ||||||
30001 | JR NZ,30034 | Jump if not | ||||||
An adult character has been hit by either a conker or a drop of water or sherry.
30003 | LD C,0 | Point BC at byte 0 of the character's buffer | ||||||
30005 | LD A,(BC) | A=animatory state of the adult character hit by the object | ||||||
30006 | AND 7 | Is the character already sitting on the floor? | ||||||
30008 | CP 6 | |||||||
30010 | JP Z,29919 | Jump if so (the object will continue to fall) | ||||||
30013 | LD C,18 | Is there an uninterruptible subcommand routine address in bytes 17 and 18 of the character's buffer (which would prevent the character from being knocked over)? | ||||||
30015 | LD A,(BC) | |||||||
30016 | AND A | |||||||
30017 | JP NZ,29919 | Jump if so | ||||||
30020 | PUSH BC | |||||||
30021 | JR 29983 | Terminate the object and knock the character over | ||||||
This section of code sets up the uninterruptible subcommand that will control the character who has been knocked over until it's time for him to get up.
30023 | LD L,17 | Place the address of the uninterruptible subcommand routine at 30102 into bytes 17 and 18 of the stricken character's buffer | ||||||
30025 | LD (HL),150 | |||||||
30027 | INC L | |||||||
30028 | LD (HL),117 | |||||||
30030 | INC L | Initialise the knockout delay counter in byte 19 of the character's buffer | ||||||
30031 | LD (HL),19 | |||||||
30033 | RET | |||||||
An adult character has been hit by a drop of water or sherry.
30034 | LD DE,32512 | |||||||
30037 | CP 31 | 31: Is the falling object a drop of water? | ||||||
30039 | JR Z,30043 | Jump if so | ||||||
30041 | LD E,4 | |||||||
30043 | LD A,B | A=number of the character who was hit by the drop of water/sherry | ||||||
30044 | CP 204 | Is the stricken character one of the male teachers? | ||||||
30046 | JR NC,30003 | Jump if not | ||||||
30048 | SUB 36 | Point DE at the relevant combination letter or number in one of the tables at 32676 and 32680 | ||||||
30050 | ADD A,E | |||||||
30051 | LD E,A | |||||||
30052 | EX DE,HL | (HL)=combination letter/number held by the teacher just knocked down | ||||||
30053 | BIT 7,(HL) | Has ERIC already discovered this one? | ||||||
30055 | JR NZ,30066 | Jump if so | ||||||
30057 | SET 7,(HL) | Signal: ERIC has discovered this combination letter/number | ||||||
30059 | PUSH BC | |||||||
30060 | LD A,20 | Add 200 to the score and print it | ||||||
30062 | CALL 29621 | |||||||
30065 | POP BC | |||||||
30066 | LD A,(HL) | A=character code of the combination number/letter just revealed | ||||||
30067 | AND 127 | |||||||
30069 | LD (32650),A | Store this in the first byte of message 5, which is used as a submessage of message 14: '[5]^ ' | ||||||
30072 | PUSH DE | |||||||
30073 | PUSH BC | |||||||
30074 | LD H,B | H=character number of the teacher just struck (200-203) | ||||||
30075 | CALL 29696 | Get the coordinates of this teacher's head | ||||||
30078 | CALL 27276 | Save the area of the screen that will be overwritten by the letter/number message box | ||||||
30081 | JR C,30091 | Jump if the teacher is off-screen | ||||||
30083 | LD BC,3654 | Print the letter/number message box (message number B=14) and make a sound effect | ||||||
30086 | LD A,6 | |||||||
30088 | CALL 29811 | |||||||
30091 | POP BC | Restore the stricken character's number to B | ||||||
30092 | POP HL | Restore the falling object's character number to H | ||||||
30093 | JP 30003 | Terminate the falling object and knock the character over |
Prev: 29895 | Up: Map | Next: 30096 |