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29836: Make a sound effect
Used by the routines at 28952, 29716, 29896, 30804 and 32433.
A Initial border colour
B Pitch
C 16 + next border colour
DE Duration
29836 PUSH HL
29837 LD L,B Save the pitch parameter in L
29838 OUT (254),A Flip the border colour and the state of the speaker
29840 XOR C
29841 LD B,L This is the pitch timing delay
29842 DJNZ 29842
29844 DEC E Jump back unless the sound effect is finished
29845 JR NZ,29838
29847 DEC D
29848 JR NZ,29838
29850 LD A,1 BORDER 1 (blue) before returning
29852 OUT (254),A
29854 POP HL
29855 RET
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