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28952: Score 100 points and make the sound of a mouse being caught
Used by the routine at 31573.
A 10
28952 CALL 29621 Add 100 to the score and print it
28955 LD L,3 Three squeaks
28957 LD A,4 Set the squeak sound effect parameters: A=4 (green border); B=26 (pitch); C=18 (alternating yellow border); D=6 (duration)
28959 LD BC,6674
28962 LD D,6
28964 CALL 29836 Squeak once
28967 LD D,60 Pause briefly
28969 DEC DE
28970 LD A,D
28971 OR E
28972 JR NZ,28969
28974 DEC L Next squeak
28975 JR NZ,28957 Jump back until all 3 squeaks have been done
28977 RET
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