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30380: Control the flight of a catapult pellet
The address of this uninterruptible subcommand routine is placed into bytes 17 and 18 of a catapult pellet's buffer by the routine at 30555. It controls the pellet from the beginning of its flight to the end, including any collisions with cups, trees, other characters, and teachers' heads.
H 213 (BOY WANDER's pellet) or 214 (ERIC's pellet)
30380 LD L,19 Byte 19 of the pellet's buffer holds the distance left to travel
30382 DEC (HL) Has the pellet finished travelling?
30383 JP Z,29903 Terminate the pellet if so
30386 LD A,(HL) A=distance left to travel
30387 CP 5 Does the pellet have fewer than 5 spaces left to travel?
30389 JR C,30413 Jump if so (to check for hittable obstacles)
The pellet is merrily wending its way through the air. It's not ready to hit anything vulnerable yet, or has simply failed to do so. The only thing that can stop it at the moment is a wall, door or window.
30391 LD L,0 Point HL at byte 0 of the pellet's buffer
30393 LD A,(HL) A=pellet's animatory state
30394 RLCA Set the carry flag if the pellet is travelling to the left
30395 CCF
30396 SBC A,A A=-1 if the pellet is travelling leftwards, 1 if rightwards
30397 ADD A,A
30398 INC A
30399 INC L Add the pellet's x-coordinate to obtain that of the location directly in front of the pellet
30400 ADD A,(HL)
30401 LD E,A Store this in E
30402 INC L L=2
30403 LD D,(HL) D=pellet's y-coordinate
30404 CALL 30292 Check for closed doors, windows and walls in the pellet's path
30407 JP C,29903 Terminate the pellet if there is one
30410 JP 29264 Otherwise just advance the pellet one space
The pellet is ready to hit a vulnerable character, cup or tree.
30413 CALL 30229 Has the pellet hit a water- or sherry-filled cup?
30416 JR NZ,30435 Jump if not
The pellet has hit a water- or sherry-filled cup, or a conker in the tree. The A register holds the animatory state of the object (drop of water/sherry, or conker) that the pellet will become.
30418 LD L,18 Place the address of the uninterruptible subcommand routine at 29896 into bytes 17 and 18 of the catapult pellet's buffer
30420 LD (HL),116
30422 DEC L
30423 LD (HL),200
30425 PUSH AF Save the new animatory state of the transmuted pellet
30426 CALL 25012 Update the SRB for the pellet's current location
30429 POP AF Restore the transmuted pellet's animatory state to A
30430 DEC D The projectile will ascend two levels
30431 DEC D
30432 JP 24880 Update the projectile's location and update the SRB
The pellet hasn't hit a water- or sherry-filled cup. Has it hit a teacher?
30435 LD L,1 Point HL at byte 1 of the pellet's buffer
30437 LD E,(HL) E=pellet's x-coordinate
30438 INC L L=2
30439 LD D,(HL) D=pellet's y-coordinate
30440 LD B,5 There are 5 teachers who can be hit by a pellet
30442 CALL 29858 Has the pellet hit any of these teachers?
30445 JR NZ,30491 Jump if not
30447 LD C,0 Point BC at byte 0 of the stricken teacher's buffer
30449 LD A,(BC) A=animatory state of this teacher
30450 AND 7 Is the teacher already sitting on the floor?
30452 CP 6
30454 JR NZ,30482 Jump if not
30456 LD L,19 Place 6 into byte 19 of the pellet's buffer (the distance the pellet will travel after bouncing off the teacher's head)
30458 LD (HL),A
This section of code controls the pellet's motion on its ascent from the teacher's head.
30459 LD L,19 Byte 19 of the pellet's buffer holds the distance left to travel
30461 DEC (HL) Decrement this
30462 JP Z,29903 Terminate the pellet if its journey is over
30465 CALL 30229 Has the pellet hit a water- or sherry-filled cup?
30468 JR Z,30418 Jump if so
30470 CALL 25012 Update the SRB for the pellet's current location
30473 DEC D Has the pellet hit the ceiling on the top floor?
30474 JR NZ,30477 Jump if not (having raised the pellet one level)
30476 INC D D=1; this makes the pellet hover just below the ceiling on the top floor before disappearing, which is a bug
30477 CALL 30534 Replace the address of this routine in bytes 17 and 18 of the pellet's buffer with 30480 (the address of the next instruction)
30480 JR 30459
The pellet has hit a teacher who's standing up.
30482 LD C,18 Point BC at byte 18 of the teacher's buffer
30484 LD A,(BC) A=MSB of a routine address, or 0
30485 PUSH BC
30486 AND A Is there an uninterruptible subcommand routine address in bytes 17 and 18 of the teacher's buffer?
30487 JP Z,29983 Jump if not (this teacher can be knocked over)
30490 POP BC
The pellet hasn't hit any liquid-containing cups or vulnerable teachers. Has it hit any kids?
30491 LD D,206 206=BOY WANDER
30493 LD B,5 There are 5 kids who can be knocked over
30495 CALL 27820 Has the pellet hit any of them?
30498 JP NC,30786 Knock them down if so
The pellet hasn't hit any liquid-containing cups, teachers or kids. Has it hit a conker in the tree?
30501 LD L,19 Byte 19 of the pellet's buffer holds the distance left to travel
30503 LD A,(HL) Pick this up in A
30504 DEC A Is there only one space left to travel?
30505 JP Z,30391 Jump if so
30508 LD L,2 Point HL at byte 2 of the pellet's buffer
30510 LD A,(HL) A=pellet's y-coordinate
30511 CP 4 Was the pellet fired on the top floor?
30513 JR NC,30524 Jump if not
30515 DEC L L=1
30516 LD A,(HL) A=pellet's x-coordinate
30517 CP 128 Jump if the pellet is to the right of the tree (it was fired in the girls' skool)
30519 JR NC,30524
30521 CP 96 Set the carry flag if A>=96 (i.e. the pellet is in the tree)
30523 CCF
30524 JP NC,30391 Jump unless the pellet will knock a conker out of the tree
30527 LD A,55 55: animatory state of a conker
30529 JP 30418 Transmute the pellet into a conker
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