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64057: Control water fired from the pistol (2)
Continues from 63915. On entry the carry flag is set if the water is travelling to the right. In the following, 'water' may refer to either water or sherry.
A Water's current x-coordinate
B Water's new animatory state
C x-coordinate increment (-2, -1 or 0)
D Water's new y-coordinate
H 214 (water)
64057 JR NC,64061 Jump if the water is travelling to the left
64059 SUB C Add 0, 1 or 2 to the water's current x-coordinate
64060 SUB C Do the same again to compensate for the ADD A,C instruction below
64061 ADD A,C Now A=new x-coordinate for the water
64062 LD E,A Copy this to E
64063 CP 191 Reset the carry flag if the water has hit the far left wall of the boys' skool or the far right wall of the girls' skool
64065 LD A,B Transfer the water's new animatory state to A
64066 JP C,24880 Update the water's animatory state and location and update the SRB (if the water hasn't hit one of the far walls, i.e. it's still entirely on-screen)
64069 LD L,18 Otherwise remove the uninterruptible subcommand routine address (63960) from bytes 17 and 18 of the water's buffer
64071 LD (HL),0
64073 JP 29910 Place the water out of sight
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