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Routines |
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Continues from F9AB. On entry the carry flag is set if the water is travelling to the right. In the following, 'water' may refer to either water or sherry.
FA39 | JR NC,$FA3D | Jump if the water is travelling to the left | ||||||||||||||
FA3B | SUB C | Add 0, 1 or 2 to the water's current x-coordinate | ||||||||||||||
FA3C | SUB C | Do the same again to compensate for the ADD A,C instruction below | ||||||||||||||
FA3D | ADD A,C | Now A=new x-coordinate for the water | ||||||||||||||
FA3E | LD E,A | Copy this to E | ||||||||||||||
FA3F | CP $BF | Reset the carry flag if the water has hit the far left wall of the boys' skool or the far right wall of the girls' skool | ||||||||||||||
FA41 | LD A,B | Transfer the water's new animatory state to A | ||||||||||||||
FA42 | JP C,$6130 | Update the water's animatory state and location and update the SRB (if the water hasn't hit one of the far walls, i.e. it's still entirely on-screen) | ||||||||||||||
FA45 | LD L,$12 | Otherwise remove the uninterruptible subcommand routine address (F9D8) from bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the water's buffer | ||||||||||||||
FA47 | LD (HL),$00 | |||||||||||||||
FA49 | JP $74D6 | Place the water out of sight |
Prev: FA00 | Up: Map | Next: FA4C |