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74C8: Control the descent of the water, sherry or conker
The address of this uninterruptible subcommand routine is placed into bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of a catapult pellet's buffer by the routine at 76AC when it has hit either the tree or a water/sherry-filled cup, and thus released a conker or a drop of water or sherry.
H Falling object's character number (0xD5 or 0xD6)
74C8 LD L,$02
74CA LD A,(HL) A=y-coordinate of the falling object
74CB CP $11 Has the object hit the bottom floor yet?
74CD JR NZ,$74DB Jump if not
This entry point is used by the routines at 7380, 76AC, E236, F2E2, F862 and FA4D to 'kill' a non-human object (i.e. pellet, frog, desk lid, stinkbomb cloud, water/sherry fired from pistol).
74CF LD L,$12 Remove the address of this routine from bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the object's buffer
74D1 LD (HL),$00
This entry point is used by the routine at 7A16 to make a mouse disappear temporarily.
74D3 CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for the object's current animatory state and location
This entry point is used by the routine at FA39 to hide water from the water pistol.
74D6 LD L,$01 Set the object's x-coordinate to 224 (out of sight)
74D8 LD (HL),$E0
The falling object has yet to hit the floor. Has it hit anything else on the way there?
74DB CP $0D Is the object at the right height to hit someone?
74DD JR Z,$74E6 Jump if so
74DF CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for the object's current animatory state and location
74E2 INC D The object will fall one more level
74E3 JP $6130 Update the object's location and update the SRB
The object is at the right height to hit someone. Check if it has.
74E6 LD L,$01 Point HL at byte 0x01 of the object's buffer
74E8 LD E,(HL) E=falling object's x-coordinate
74E9 LD D,$11 This is the y-coordinate of the bottom floor (the only floor on which characters can be hit by a falling object)
74EB CALL $74A0 Check if any of the six adult characters were hit
74EE LD L,$00 Point HL at byte 0x00 of the object's buffer
74F0 LD A,(HL) A=animatory state of the falling object
74F1 JR Z,$752F Jump if an adult character was hit by the falling object
74F3 CP $37 0x37: Is the falling object a conker?
74F5 JR NZ,$74DF Jump if not
The falling object is a conker.
74F7 LD L,$02 Set the conker's y-coordinate to 17 (bottom floor) for comparison with that of the potential targets
74F9 LD (HL),$11
Before calling the routine at 6CAC to check whether any of the four main kids (besides ERIC) have been hit, D should be set to 206 (BOY WANDER, the first main kid), and B should be set to 4 (the number of kids to check). However, at this point D=0x11 and B=0xCE, which means that instead of checking the character buffers in pages 0xCE-0xD1, we end up checking pages 0x11-0xDE. In that range, only pages 0xB7-0xD6 contain character buffers; treating the other pages in RAM as if they contained character buffers could lead to data/code corruption. Needless to say, this is a bug.
74FB CALL $6CAC Check whether anyone was hit by the conker
74FE LD L,$02 Set the conker's y-coordinate back to 13
7500 LD (HL),$0D
7502 JR C,$74DF Jump if nobody was hit by the conker
7504 LD A,D A=number of the character hit by the conker
7505 CP $CF Was it BOY WANDER (0xCE)?
7507 JR C,$751E Jump if so
7509 CP $D1
750B LD A,$0A ERIC gets 100 points for conkering ANGELFACE or EINSTEIN
750D JR NC,$751E Jump unless ANGELFACE (0xCF) or EINSTEIN (0xD0) was hit
750F CALL $73B5 Add 100 to the score and print it
7512 PUSH DE
Celebrate the conkering of ANGELFACE or EINSTEIN with a sound effect.
7513 LD D,$28 Make a sound effect with A=0x07 and C=0x12 (border alternating white and cyan)
7515 LD BC,$2812
7518 LD A,$07
751A CALL $748C
This entry point is used by the routine at 7842.
This entry point is used by the routine at 76AC.
751F CALL $74CF Terminate the object
7522 POP DE
This entry point is used by the routine at 7813 to knock a character over.
7523 EX DE,HL
7524 LD A,H A=number of the character hit by the object or fist
7525 CP $D2 Was it ERIC?
7527 JR NZ,$7547 Jump if not
This entry point is used by the routine at 5F08.
7529 LD A,$80 Set bit 7 at 7FFB: ERIC has been knocked down
752B LD ($7FFB),A
752E RET
An adult character was hit by the falling object.
752F CP $37 Is the falling object a conker?
7531 JR NZ,$7552 Jump if not
An adult character has been hit by either a conker or a drop of water or sherry.
7533 LD C,$00 Point BC at byte 0x00 of the character's buffer
7535 LD A,(BC) A=animatory state of the adult character hit by the object
7536 AND $07 Is the character already sitting on the floor?
7538 CP $06
753A JP Z,$74DF Jump if so (the object will continue to fall)
753D LD C,$12 Is there an uninterruptible subcommand routine address in bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the character's buffer (which would prevent the character from being knocked over)?
753F LD A,(BC)
7540 AND A
7541 JP NZ,$74DF Jump if so
7544 PUSH BC
7545 JR $751F Terminate the object and knock the character over
This section of code sets up the uninterruptible subcommand that will control the character who has been knocked over until it's time for him to get up.
7547 LD L,$11 Place the address of the uninterruptible subcommand routine at 7596 into bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the stricken character's buffer
7549 LD (HL),$96
754B INC L
754C LD (HL),$75
754E INC L Initialise the knockout delay counter in byte 0x13 of the character's buffer
754F LD (HL),$13
7551 RET
An adult character has been hit by a drop of water or sherry.
7552 LD DE,$7F00
7555 CP $1F 0x1F: Is the falling object a drop of water?
7557 JR Z,$755B Jump if so
7559 LD E,$04
755B LD A,B A=number of the character who was hit by the drop of water/sherry
755C CP $CC Is the stricken character one of the male teachers?
755E JR NC,$7533 Jump if not
7560 SUB $24 Point DE at the relevant combination letter or number in one of the tables at 7FA4 and 7FA8
7562 ADD A,E
7563 LD E,A
7564 EX DE,HL (HL)=combination letter/number held by the teacher just knocked down
7565 BIT 7,(HL) Has ERIC already discovered this one?
7567 JR NZ,$7572 Jump if so
7569 SET 7,(HL) Signal: ERIC has discovered this combination letter/number
756C LD A,$14 Add 200 to the score and print it
756E CALL $73B5
7571 POP BC
7572 LD A,(HL) A=character code of the combination number/letter just revealed
7573 AND $7F
7575 LD ($7F8A),A Store this in the first byte of message 0x05, which is used as a submessage of message 0x0E: '[5]^ '
7578 PUSH DE
7579 PUSH BC
757A LD H,B H=character number of the teacher just struck (0xC8-0xCB)
757B CALL $7400 Get the coordinates of this teacher's head
757E CALL $6A8C Save the area of the screen that will be overwritten by the letter/number message box
7581 JR C,$758B Jump if the teacher is off-screen
7583 LD BC,$0E46 Print the letter/number message box (message number B=0x0E) and make a sound effect
7586 LD A,$06
7588 CALL $7473
758B POP BC Restore the stricken character's number to B
758C POP HL Restore the falling object's character number to H
758D JP $7533 Terminate the falling object and knock the character over
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