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Routines |
Prev: 74C7 | Up: Map | Next: 7590 |
The address of this uninterruptible subcommand routine is placed into bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of a catapult pellet's buffer by the routine at 76AC when it has hit either the tree or a water/sherry-filled cup, and thus released a conker or a drop of water or sherry.
74C8 | LD L,$02 | |||||||
74CA | LD A,(HL) | A=y-coordinate of the falling object | ||||||
74CB | CP $11 | Has the object hit the bottom floor yet? | ||||||
74CD | JR NZ,$74DB | Jump if not | ||||||
This entry point is used by the routines at 7380, 76AC, E236, F2E2, F862 and FA4D to 'kill' a non-human object (i.e. pellet, frog, desk lid, stinkbomb cloud, water/sherry fired from pistol).
74CF | LD L,$12 | Remove the address of this routine from bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the object's buffer | ||||||
74D1 | LD (HL),$00 | |||||||
This entry point is used by the routine at 7A16 to make a mouse disappear temporarily.
74D3 | CALL $61B4 | Update the SRB for the object's current animatory state and location | ||||||
This entry point is used by the routine at FA39 to hide water from the water pistol.
74D6 | LD L,$01 | Set the object's x-coordinate to 224 (out of sight) | ||||||
74D8 | LD (HL),$E0 | |||||||
74DA | RET | |||||||
The falling object has yet to hit the floor. Has it hit anything else on the way there?
74DB | CP $0D | Is the object at the right height to hit someone? | ||||||
74DD | JR Z,$74E6 | Jump if so | ||||||
74DF | CALL $61B4 | Update the SRB for the object's current animatory state and location | ||||||
74E2 | INC D | The object will fall one more level | ||||||
74E3 | JP $6130 | Update the object's location and update the SRB | ||||||
The object is at the right height to hit someone. Check if it has.
74E6 | LD L,$01 | Point HL at byte 0x01 of the object's buffer | ||||||
74E8 | LD E,(HL) | E=falling object's x-coordinate | ||||||
74E9 | LD D,$11 | This is the y-coordinate of the bottom floor (the only floor on which characters can be hit by a falling object) | ||||||
74EB | CALL $74A0 | Check if any of the six adult characters were hit | ||||||
74EE | LD L,$00 | Point HL at byte 0x00 of the object's buffer | ||||||
74F0 | LD A,(HL) | A=animatory state of the falling object | ||||||
74F1 | JR Z,$752F | Jump if an adult character was hit by the falling object | ||||||
74F3 | CP $37 | 0x37: Is the falling object a conker? | ||||||
74F5 | JR NZ,$74DF | Jump if not | ||||||
The falling object is a conker.
74F7 | LD L,$02 | Set the conker's y-coordinate to 17 (bottom floor) for comparison with that of the potential targets | ||||||
74F9 | LD (HL),$11 | |||||||
Before calling the routine at 6CAC to check whether any of the four main kids (besides ERIC) have been hit, D should be set to 206 (BOY WANDER, the first main kid), and B should be set to 4 (the number of kids to check). However, at this point D=0x11 and B=0xCE, which means that instead of checking the character buffers in pages 0xCE-0xD1, we end up checking pages 0x11-0xDE. In that range, only pages 0xB7-0xD6 contain character buffers; treating the other pages in RAM as if they contained character buffers could lead to data/code corruption. Needless to say, this is a bug.
74FB | CALL $6CAC | Check whether anyone was hit by the conker | ||||||
74FE | LD L,$02 | Set the conker's y-coordinate back to 13 | ||||||
7500 | LD (HL),$0D | |||||||
7502 | JR C,$74DF | Jump if nobody was hit by the conker | ||||||
7504 | LD A,D | A=number of the character hit by the conker | ||||||
7505 | CP $CF | Was it BOY WANDER (0xCE)? | ||||||
7507 | JR C,$751E | Jump if so | ||||||
7509 | CP $D1 | |||||||
750B | LD A,$0A | ERIC gets 100 points for conkering ANGELFACE or EINSTEIN | ||||||
750D | JR NC,$751E | Jump unless ANGELFACE (0xCF) or EINSTEIN (0xD0) was hit | ||||||
750F | CALL $73B5 | Add 100 to the score and print it | ||||||
7512 | PUSH DE | |||||||
Celebrate the conkering of ANGELFACE or EINSTEIN with a sound effect.
7513 | LD D,$28 | Make a sound effect with A=0x07 and C=0x12 (border alternating white and cyan) | ||||||
7515 | LD BC,$2812 | |||||||
7518 | LD A,$07 | |||||||
751A | CALL $748C | |||||||
751D | POP DE | |||||||
This entry point is used by the routine at 7842.
751E | PUSH DE | |||||||
This entry point is used by the routine at 76AC.
751F | CALL $74CF | Terminate the object | ||||||
7522 | POP DE | |||||||
This entry point is used by the routine at 7813 to knock a character over.
7523 | EX DE,HL | |||||||
7524 | LD A,H | A=number of the character hit by the object or fist | ||||||
7525 | CP $D2 | Was it ERIC? | ||||||
7527 | JR NZ,$7547 | Jump if not | ||||||
This entry point is used by the routine at 5F08.
7529 | LD A,$80 | Set bit 7 at 7FFB: ERIC has been knocked down | ||||||
752B | LD ($7FFB),A | |||||||
752E | RET | |||||||
An adult character was hit by the falling object.
752F | CP $37 | Is the falling object a conker? | ||||||
7531 | JR NZ,$7552 | Jump if not | ||||||
An adult character has been hit by either a conker or a drop of water or sherry.
7533 | LD C,$00 | Point BC at byte 0x00 of the character's buffer | ||||||
7535 | LD A,(BC) | A=animatory state of the adult character hit by the object | ||||||
7536 | AND $07 | Is the character already sitting on the floor? | ||||||
7538 | CP $06 | |||||||
753A | JP Z,$74DF | Jump if so (the object will continue to fall) | ||||||
753D | LD C,$12 | Is there an uninterruptible subcommand routine address in bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the character's buffer (which would prevent the character from being knocked over)? | ||||||
753F | LD A,(BC) | |||||||
7540 | AND A | |||||||
7541 | JP NZ,$74DF | Jump if so | ||||||
7544 | PUSH BC | |||||||
7545 | JR $751F | Terminate the object and knock the character over | ||||||
This section of code sets up the uninterruptible subcommand that will control the character who has been knocked over until it's time for him to get up.
7547 | LD L,$11 | Place the address of the uninterruptible subcommand routine at 7596 into bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the stricken character's buffer | ||||||
7549 | LD (HL),$96 | |||||||
754B | INC L | |||||||
754C | LD (HL),$75 | |||||||
754E | INC L | Initialise the knockout delay counter in byte 0x13 of the character's buffer | ||||||
754F | LD (HL),$13 | |||||||
7551 | RET | |||||||
An adult character has been hit by a drop of water or sherry.
7552 | LD DE,$7F00 | |||||||
7555 | CP $1F | 0x1F: Is the falling object a drop of water? | ||||||
7557 | JR Z,$755B | Jump if so | ||||||
7559 | LD E,$04 | |||||||
755B | LD A,B | A=number of the character who was hit by the drop of water/sherry | ||||||
755C | CP $CC | Is the stricken character one of the male teachers? | ||||||
755E | JR NC,$7533 | Jump if not | ||||||
7560 | SUB $24 | Point DE at the relevant combination letter or number in one of the tables at 7FA4 and 7FA8 | ||||||
7562 | ADD A,E | |||||||
7563 | LD E,A | |||||||
7564 | EX DE,HL | (HL)=combination letter/number held by the teacher just knocked down | ||||||
7565 | BIT 7,(HL) | Has ERIC already discovered this one? | ||||||
7567 | JR NZ,$7572 | Jump if so | ||||||
7569 | SET 7,(HL) | Signal: ERIC has discovered this combination letter/number | ||||||
756B | PUSH BC | |||||||
756C | LD A,$14 | Add 200 to the score and print it | ||||||
756E | CALL $73B5 | |||||||
7571 | POP BC | |||||||
7572 | LD A,(HL) | A=character code of the combination number/letter just revealed | ||||||
7573 | AND $7F | |||||||
7575 | LD ($7F8A),A | Store this in the first byte of message 0x05, which is used as a submessage of message 0x0E: '[5]^ ' | ||||||
7578 | PUSH DE | |||||||
7579 | PUSH BC | |||||||
757A | LD H,B | H=character number of the teacher just struck (0xC8-0xCB) | ||||||
757B | CALL $7400 | Get the coordinates of this teacher's head | ||||||
757E | CALL $6A8C | Save the area of the screen that will be overwritten by the letter/number message box | ||||||
7581 | JR C,$758B | Jump if the teacher is off-screen | ||||||
7583 | LD BC,$0E46 | Print the letter/number message box (message number B=0x0E) and make a sound effect | ||||||
7586 | LD A,$06 | |||||||
7588 | CALL $7473 | |||||||
758B | POP BC | Restore the stricken character's number to B | ||||||
758C | POP HL | Restore the falling object's character number to H | ||||||
758D | JP $7533 | Terminate the falling object and knock the character over |
Prev: 74C7 | Up: Map | Next: 7590 |