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7A16: Control a mouse
The address of this uninterruptible subcommand routine is placed into bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of a mouse's buffer by the routine at 7B0E (if the mouse was released by ERIC) or by the routine at F5BE (when preparing for a new game). Bytes 0x10 and 0x13-0x16 of the mouse's buffer are used to store the following values that control its movement:
Byte Contents
0x10 Counter decremented each time the mouse hides (if the mouse was released by ERIC); when it reaches 0, the mouse dies (returns control to the character whose buffer it borrowed)
0x13 Direction of travel, and the distance remaining to travel before hiding or considering a change of direction: it is positive (bit 7 reset) if the mouse is travelling right, and decremented on each pass; it is negative (bit 7 set) if the mouse is travelling left, and incremented on each pass; while the mouse is hiding, it is 0
0x14 Counter decremented on each change of direction or distance to travel; when it reaches 0, the mouse hides
0x15 Counter determining how much longer the mouse has left to hide
0x16 x-coordinate of the mouse when it last hid
H Mouse's character number (0xC6, 0xC7, 0xCE-0xD0, 0xD4)
7A16 LD L,$13 A=remaining distance to travel
7A18 LD A,(HL)
7A19 AND A Is this mouse (a) hiding, (b) about to hide, or (c) about to consider a change of direction and distance to travel?
7A1A JR Z,$7A62 Jump if so
7A1C LD A,($7FF4) 7FF4 holds the door/window status flags
7A1F PUSH AF Save these flags
7A20 AND $3F Reset bits 6 and 7 of the door/window status flags (i.e. pretend that the windows are closed)
7A22 LD ($7FF4),A
7A25 BIT 7,(HL) Set the zero flag if the mouse is travelling right
7A27 LD L,$01 Collect the mouse's x-coordinate in E
7A29 LD E,(HL)
7A2A JR Z,$7A2E Jump if the mouse is travelling right
7A2E INC E E=x-coordinate of the spot in front of the mouse
7A2F INC L L=0x02
7A30 LD A,(HL) A=mouse's y-coordinate
7A31 LD D,A Copy this to D
7A32 CP $0A Is the mouse on the middle floor?
7A34 JR NZ,$7A3B Jump if not
7A36 LD A,E A=x-coordinate of the spot in front of the mouse
7A37 CP $54 Is the mouse at the top of the stairs leading down to the stage?
7A39 JR Z,$7A40 Turn the mouse round if so
7A3B CALL $7654 Check for walls and closed doors in the mouse's path
7A3E JR NC,$7A48 Jump if there are none
7A40 LD L,$13 Turn the mouse round without changing the distance remaining to travel
7A42 LD A,(HL)
7A43 NEG
7A45 LD (HL),A
7A46 JR $7A25 See what's in front of the mouse in this direction
There are no walls or closed doors in the mouse's path.
7A48 POP AF Restore the door/window status flags
7A49 LD ($7FF4),A
7A4C CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for the mouse's current animatory state and location
7A4F LD L,$13 Is the mouse travelling right?
7A51 BIT 7,(HL)
7A53 JR Z,$7A5B Jump if so
7A55 INC (HL) Decrease the distance left to travel
7A56 DEC E Move the mouse one space left
7A57 LD A,$2F 0x2F: animatory state of a mouse travelling left
7A59 JR $7A5F
7A5B DEC (HL) Decrease the distance left to travel
7A5C INC E Move the mouse one space right
7A5D LD A,$AF 0xAF: animatory state of a mouse travelling right
7A5F JP $6130 Update the mouse's animatory state and location and update the SRB
Byte 0x13 holds 0, which means (a) the mouse is hiding at the moment, or (b) it's time for the mouse to consider a change of direction and distance to travel, or (c) it's time to hide for a bit.
7A62 INC L Pick up byte 0x14 in A
7A63 LD A,(HL)
7A64 AND A Is the mouse already hiding?
7A65 JR Z,$7A8C Jump if so
7A67 DEC (HL) Is it time for the mouse to hide temporarily?
7A68 JR NZ,$7A73 Jump if not
7A6A LD L,$01 Point HL at byte 0x01 of the mouse's buffer
7A6C LD A,(HL) A=mouse's x-coordinate
7A6D LD L,$16 Store this in byte 0x16 of the mouse's buffer for later retrieval
7A6F LD (HL),A
7A70 JP $74D3 Make the mouse hide
It's time for the mouse to consider a change of direction and distance to travel.
7A74 CALL $79AE Make any girls near this mouse start jumping
7A78 CALL $6291 A=random number
7A7B AND $83 A=0x02-0x05 (bit 7 reset) or 0x82-0x85 (bit 7 set)
7A7D ADD A,$02
7A7F RLCA A=0x02-0x05 (bit 7 reset), with the carry flag holding the previous contents of bit 7
7A80 AND A
7A81 RRA
7A82 JR C,$7A86 Jump if bit 7 was set (the new direction is right)
7A84 NEG The new direction is left
7A86 LD L,$13 Set the new direction and distance to travel
7A88 LD (HL),A
7A89 JP $7A1C Start moving
The mouse is currently hiding. Check whether it should transform into a frog before reappearing (in case ERIC obtained the Science Lab storeroom key in the meantime).
7A8C INC L L=0x15
7A8D DEC (HL) Is it time for the mouse to come out of hiding?
7A8E RET NZ Return if not
7A8F LD A,H A=mouse's character number
7A90 CP $D4 Was this mouse released by ERIC?
7A92 JR NZ,$7AC0 Jump if so
7A94 LD A,($7FEB) 7FEB holds the inventory flags
7A97 BIT 1,A Has ERIC got the Science Lab storeroom key?
7A99 JR Z,$7AA6 Jump if not
7A9B LD A,$1D 0x1D: animatory state of the frog
7A9D LD DE,$0A3B (E,D)=(59,10) (location where the frog enters the game)
7AA0 CALL $6130 Update the frog's animatory state and location and update the SRB
7AA3 JP $7955 Bring the frog into the game
It's time for this mouse to come out of hiding.
7AA6 CALL $6291 A=random number between 0x05 and 0x14; this determines how long the mouse will hide next time
7AA9 AND $0F
7AAB ADD A,$05
7AAD LD (HL),A Store this in byte 0x15 of the mouse's buffer
7AAE CALL $6291 A=random number between 2 and 5; this determines how many changes of direction and distance to travel the mouse will make before hiding again
7AB1 AND $03
7AB3 ADD A,$02
7AB5 DEC L Store this in byte 0x14 of the mouse's buffer
7AB6 LD (HL),A
7AB7 LD L,$16 E=x-coordinate of the mouse before it hid
7AB9 LD E,(HL)
7ABA LD L,$02 D=y-coordinate of the mouse
7ABD JP $7A5D Unhide the mouse
This mouse was released by ERIC and is currently hiding. It's due to come out of hiding, or die.
7AC0 LD L,$10 Byte 0x10 holds the mouse's lifespan counter
7AC2 DEC (HL) Is it time for this mouse to disappear for ever?
7AC3 JR NZ,$7ADB Jump if not
This mouse must die, and return control of the buffer it hijacked (0xC6, 0xC7, 0xCE-0xD0) to its original owner (little boy no. 9 or 10, BOY WANDER, ANGELFACE or EINSTEIN).
7AC5 LD L,$1D Set bits 0 and 7 at byte 0x1D: restart the command list and make the character run
7AC7 LD (HL),$81
7AC9 LD L,$0A Remove any interruptible subcommand routine address that may have been in the character's buffer before it was hijacked
7ACB LD (HL),$00
7ACD LD L,$0F Pick up from byte 0x0F the animatory state of the character whose buffer the mouse borrowed
7AD0 AND $F0 A=character's base animatory state
7AD2 LD L,$00 Restore this character's animatory state to its base value
7AD4 LD (HL),A
7AD5 INC L Make the character reappear at x-coordinate 32 (which should be off-screen because ERIC cannot release mice in the boys' skool)
7AD6 LD (HL),$20
7AD8 JP $6394 Terminate this uninterruptible subcommand, thus returning control to the character who normally owns the buffer
This mouse (released by ERIC) is about to come out of hiding.
7ADB LD A,($7FFF) A=leftmost column of the play area on screen
7ADE CP $90 Is at least half of the girls' skool on-screen?
7AE0 JR C,$7AC5 Terminate the mouse if not
7AE2 LD L,$15
7AE4 JR $7AA6 Otherwise make the mouse reappear
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