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7B0E: Prepare character buffers for released mice
Used by the routine at 7AE6. Releases up to five mice from ERIC's pocket. Each mouse will use a character buffer at page 0xC6, 0xC7 or 0xCE-0xD0, provided that the character who usually occupies it is off-screen.
DE Coordinates at which to release the mice
7B0E LD H,$C6 Use buffers 0xC6 and 0xC7 (little boys nos. 9 and 10) for released mice if possible
7B10 LD B,$02
7B12 CALL $7B1A Prepare these buffers
7B15 RET Z Return if ERIC has no mice left
7B16 LD H,$CE Also use buffers 0xCE-0xD0 (BOY WANDER, ANGELFACE and EINSTEIN) for released mice if possible
7B18 LD B,$03
7B1A LD L,$12 Pick up the MSB of the uninterruptible subcommand routine address in bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the character's buffer
7B1C LD A,(HL)
7B1D CP $7A Does the MSB match that of 7A16?
7B1F JR Z,$7B50 Jump if so
7B21 LD L,$01 A=x-coordinate of the character using this buffer
7B23 LD A,(HL)
7B24 CP $8E Is this character inside or close to the girls' skool?
7B26 JR NC,$7B50 Jump if so (we can't use his buffer)
7B28 DEC L L=0x00
7B29 LD A,(HL) A=character's animatory state
7B2A LD L,$0F Store this in byte 0x0F of the buffer for retrieval when the mouse dies
7B2C LD (HL),A
7B2D CALL $6291 A=random number between 0x0A and 0x29; this determines the lifespan of the mouse
7B30 AND $1F
7B32 ADD A,$0A
7B34 INC L Store this lifespan parameter in byte 0x10 of the buffer
7B35 LD (HL),A
7B36 INC L Place the address of the uninterruptible subcommand routine at 7A16 into bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the character's buffer
7B37 LD (HL),$16
7B39 INC L
7B3A LD (HL),$7A
7B3C XOR A Set bytes 0x13 and 0x14 to 0 so that the mouse is initially hidden (see 7A16 for details on how these bytes are used)
7B3E LD (HL),A
7B40 LD (HL),A
7B41 INC L Set byte 0x15 (time remaining before coming out of hiding) to 3, 2 or 1
7B42 LD (HL),B
7B43 INC L Store the x-coordinate of the mouse in byte 0x16, so it appears there when it comes out of hiding
7B44 LD (HL),E
7B45 LD L,$02 Store the y-coordinate in byte 0x02
7B47 LD (HL),D
7B48 LD A,($7FE1) 7FE1 holds the number of mice ERIC has caught
7B4B DEC A One fewer now
7B4C LD ($7FE1),A
7B4F RET Z Return if ERIC has no mice left
7B50 INC H Point to the next potential buffer for a released mouse
7B51 DJNZ $7B1A Jump back until all have been considered
7B53 RET
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