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31502: Prepare character buffers for released mice
Used by the routine at 31462. Releases up to five mice from ERIC's pocket. Each mouse will use a character buffer at page 198, 199 or 206-208, provided that the character who usually occupies it is off-screen.
DE Coordinates at which to release the mice
31502 LD H,198 Use buffers 198 and 199 (little boys nos. 9 and 10) for released mice if possible
31504 LD B,2
31506 CALL 31514 Prepare these buffers
31509 RET Z Return if ERIC has no mice left
31510 LD H,206 Also use buffers 206-208 (BOY WANDER, ANGELFACE and EINSTEIN) for released mice if possible
31512 LD B,3
31514 LD L,18 Pick up the MSB of the uninterruptible subcommand routine address in bytes 17 and 18 of the character's buffer
31516 LD A,(HL)
31517 CP 122 Does the MSB match that of 31254?
31519 JR Z,31568 Jump if so
31521 LD L,1 A=x-coordinate of the character using this buffer
31523 LD A,(HL)
31524 CP 142 Is this character inside or close to the girls' skool?
31526 JR NC,31568 Jump if so (we can't use his buffer)
31528 DEC L L=0
31529 LD A,(HL) A=character's animatory state
31530 LD L,15 Store this in byte 15 of the buffer for retrieval when the mouse dies
31532 LD (HL),A
31533 CALL 25233 A=random number between 10 and 41; this determines the lifespan of the mouse
31536 AND 31
31538 ADD A,10
31540 INC L Store this lifespan parameter in byte 16 of the buffer
31541 LD (HL),A
31542 INC L Place the address of the uninterruptible subcommand routine at 31254 into bytes 17 and 18 of the character's buffer
31543 LD (HL),22
31545 INC L
31546 LD (HL),122
31548 XOR A Set bytes 19 and 20 to 0 so that the mouse is initially hidden (see 31254 for details on how these bytes are used)
31549 INC L
31550 LD (HL),A
31551 INC L
31552 LD (HL),A
31553 INC L Set byte 21 (time remaining before coming out of hiding) to 3, 2 or 1
31554 LD (HL),B
31555 INC L Store the x-coordinate of the mouse in byte 22, so it appears there when it comes out of hiding
31556 LD (HL),E
31557 LD L,2 Store the y-coordinate in byte 2
31559 LD (HL),D
31560 LD A,(32737) 32737 holds the number of mice ERIC has caught
31563 DEC A One fewer now
31564 LD (32737),A
31567 RET Z Return if ERIC has no mice left
31568 INC H Point to the next potential buffer for a released mouse
31569 DJNZ 31514 Jump back until all have been considered
31571 RET
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