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E236: Prepare buffer 0xD5 for use by a stinkbomb cloud
Used by the routines at 7140 and F862. Prepares buffer 0xD5 (normally used by BOY WANDER's catapult pellet) for use by a stinkbomb cloud. Returns to the main loop if the buffer is already in use by a stinkbomb cloud; otherwise returns to the caller with buffer 0xD5 ready to go.
E236 LD HL,$D501 Point HL at byte 0x01 of buffer 0xD5
E239 LD A,(HL) A=x-coordinate of the object that last used or is now using this buffer
E23A CP $C0 Is this buffer being used now?
E23C JR NC,$E24A Jump if not
E23E DEC L L=0x00
E23F LD A,(HL) A=animatory state of the object that is using this buffer
E240 POP BC Pop the return address from the stack into BC
E241 AND $7F Drop the 'direction' bit (bit 7) of the object's animatory state
E243 CP $4F 0x4F: Is this buffer being used by BOY WANDER's catapult pellet?
E245 RET NZ Return to the main loop if not
E246 PUSH BC Restore the return address (to the caller of this routine) to the stack
E247 CALL $74CF Terminate BOY WANDER's catapult pellet
E24A LD H,$D2 0xD2=ERIC
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