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7603: Check whether Sam has found something and update the icon panel
Used by the routines at 79E4 and F080. Scans the object location table at 7D1C to check whether Sam has found the hook, the budgie, a key, some money, or a location that requires a message to be displayed, and then updates the icon panel appropriately.
7603 LD HL,$E601 Point HL at byte 0x01 of Sam's buffer
7606 LD C,(HL) C=Sam's x-coordinate
7607 INC L L=0x02
7608 LD B,(HL) B=Sam's y-coordinate
7609 LD HL,$7D1C Point HL at the object location table at 7D1C
760C LD A,(HL) Collect the first byte of an entry
760D INC A Have we reached the end of the table?
760E JR Z,$763C Jump if so
7610 INC HL Move HL to the second byte of the entry
7611 AND $02 Is this entry active?
7613 JR NZ,$761F Proceed to the next entry if not
7615 LD A,(HL) A=x-coordinate of the object
7616 CP C Is Sam's x-coordinate the same?
7617 JR NZ,$761F Jump if not
7619 INC HL Move HL to the third byte of the entry
761A LD A,(HL) A=y-coordinate of the object
761B CP B Set the zero flag if Sam's y-coordinate is the same
761C DEC HL Move HL back to the second byte of the entry
761D JR Z,$7624 Jump if Sam's coordinates match the object's
761F INC HL Point HL at the first byte of the next entry
7620 INC HL
7621 INC HL
7622 JR $760C Jump back to check the next entry
Sam's coordinates match those of the object. Is it the hook or the budgie?
7624 DEC HL Move HL back to the first byte of the entry
7625 BIT 6,(HL) Is this entry for an object that can be picked up (i.e. the hook or the budgie)?
7627 JR Z,$763F Jump if not
7629 LD A,($E600) A=Sam's animatory state
762C AND $7F Discard bit 7 (the direction bit)
762E CP $06 0x06: Is Sam bending his knees?
7630 JR NZ,$763E Jump if not
7632 INC (HL) Increment the first byte of the entry (thus deactivating it)
7633 INC HL Point HL at the fourth byte of the entry
7634 INC HL
7635 INC HL
7636 LD A,(HL) Pick up the fourth byte of the entry
7637 LD HL,$7FE9 Set the appropriate bit at 7FE9 to give Sam the object
763A OR (HL)
763B LD (HL),A
763C JR $7683 Jump forward to update the icon panel
763E DEC (HL) Decrement the first byte of the entry
763F INC (HL) Increment the first byte of the entry (thus deactivating it if it's not the hook or the budgie)
7640 LD A,(HL) A=first byte of the entry
7641 INC HL Point HL at the fourth byte of the entry
7642 INC HL
7643 INC HL
7644 PUSH HL Save the object table entry pointer
7645 PUSH BC Save Sam's coordinates
7646 BIT 6,A Is this entry for an object that can be picked up (i.e. the hook or the budgie)?
7648 JR Z,$7654 Jump if not
764A LD A,(HL) A=fourth byte of the entry
764B LD HL,$7FA8 Store the object ID at 7FA8 for now
764E LD (HL),A
764F POP BC Restore Sam's coordinates to BC
7650 POP HL Restore the object table entry pointer to HL
7651 INC HL Point HL at the first byte of the next entry
7652 JR $760C Jump back to check the next entry
It's not the hook or the budgie. Does a message need to be displayed?
7654 BIT 5,A Is this entry for a message that needs to be displayed?
7656 JR Z,$765E Jump if not
7658 LD A,(HL) A=message number
7659 CALL $6EC5 Queue the message
765C JR $764F Jump back to check the next entry
It's not the hook, the budgie or a message. Is it a key?
765E BIT 4,A Is this entry for a key?
7660 JR Z,$7671 Jump if not
7662 LD A,(HL) A=key identifier (0x08, 0x10, 0x20 or 0x40)
7663 LD HL,$7FEA Set the appropriate bit at 7FEA, thus giving Sam the key
7666 OR (HL)
7667 LD (HL),A
7668 LD A,$64 $100 to add to Sam's cash supply
766A JR $7672
766C INC D This block of code is never executed
766D LD D,$02
766F JR $767C
If it's not the hook, the budgie, a message or a key, it must be cash.
7671 LD A,(HL) A=number of bucks
7672 CALL $6E92 Add this to Sam's total
7675 LD HL,$1406 Prepare the cash bonus sound effect parameters
7678 LD C,$90
767A LD D,$01
767C LD A,$02
767E CALL $7565 Make a sound effect
7681 JR $764F Jump back to check the next entry
Now we set the attribute bytes for the budgie and hook in the icon panel.
7683 LD HL,$7FA8 7FA8 holds the ID of the object Sam is standing next to (if any)
7686 LD A,(HL) A=object ID
7687 LD (HL),$00 Reset 7FA8 to 0
7689 LD L,$E9 HL=7FE9 (object inventory)
768B LD H,(HL) H=object inventory flags
768C LD L,A L=ID of the object Sam is standing next to (if any)
768D LD E,$B0 0xB0 is the LSB of 5AB0 (the attribute file address for the top-left tile of the budgie icon)
768F LD BC,$0602 B=6, C=2 (2 objects: budgie and hook)
7692 RL L Move an object ID bit (if any) into bit 0 of H, and an object inventory flag into the carry flag
7694 RL H
7696 LD A,$30 0x30=PAPER 6: INK 0
7698 JR C,$76A0 Jump if Sam already has this object
769A ADD A,B A=0x38 (INK 6: PAPER 6)
769B BIT 0,H Is Sam standing next to this object?
769D JR Z,$76A0 Jump if not
769F LD A,B A=0x06 (INK 6: PAPER 0)
76A0 CALL $7025 Set the attribute bytes for the object in the icon panel
76A3 LD E,$B2 0xB2 is the LSB of 5AB2 (the attribute file address for the top-left tile of the hook icon)
76A5 DEC C Have we dealt with both objects yet?
76A6 JR NZ,$7692 Jump back to deal with the second object if not
Now we display the keys Sam has found.
76A8 LD A,($7FEA) Pick up the key inventory flags from 7FEA
76AB ADD A,A Move bits 3-6 into bits 4-7 (thus discarding bit 7, which corresponds to the key to no. 19)
76AC LD BC,$0430 B=4 (there are 4 keys), C=0x30 (INK 6: PAPER 0)
76AF LD HL,$5AF0 Point HL at the attribute byte for the leftmost key in the icon panel
This entry point is used by the routine at 7414 with HL=5AE8 (attribute byte for the leftmost first aid kit in the icon panel) and C=0x32 (INK 2: PAPER 6).
76B2 LD (HL),$36 Set the attribute byte to 0x36 (INK 6: PAPER 6) by default
76B4 ADD A,A Should there be a first aid kit or key displayed here?
76B5 JR NC,$76B8 Jump if not
76B7 LD (HL),C Otherwise reveal the first aid kit or key by setting the attribute byte to 0x32 (INK 2: PAPER 6) or 0x30 (INK 6: PAPER 0)
76B8 INC L Move HL to the attribute byte for the next first aid kit or key
76B9 DJNZ $76B2 Jump back until all the first aid kits or keys have been done
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