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F080: Update the icon panel, draw the bullets, and scan the event table
Called from the main loop at F02B. Updates the icon panel, draws the bullets, scans the event table at 5FE0 for events to trigger, and checks whether Sam has found the hook, the budgie, a key, some money, or a location that requires a message to be displayed.
F080 CALL $73E4 Show or hide the fuse, door, light bulb or phone in the icon panel
F083 LD A,($7FEE) A=current game mode (0-4)
F086 AND A Is it demo mode?
F087 RET Z Return if so
F088 CALL $65DB Move and draw the bullets
F08B LD A,($7FFC) Collect Sam's status flags from 7FFC
F08E AND $81 Is Sam being carried or falling from a building?
F090 RET NZ Return if so
F091 CALL $7500 Scan the event table at 5FE0 for events to trigger
F094 LD A,($E600) A=Sam's animatory state
F097 AND $1D Is Sam's animation phase standing/walking phase 1 or 3?
F099 RET NZ Return if not
F09A JP $7603 Check whether Sam has found something and update the icon panel
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