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701F: Show or hide an icon in the icon panel
Used by the routine at 73E4.
E Attribute file address LSB
The main entry point is used to show an icon in the icon panel.
701F LD A,$30 0x30=PAPER 6: INK 0
7021 JR $7025
This entry point is used by the routine at 73E4 to hide an icon in the icon panel.
7023 LD A,$36 0x36=PAPER 6: INK 6
This entry point is used by the routine at 7683 with A=6 (PAPER 0: INK 6) to show an icon for an object that can be picked up (by pressing 'G').
7025 LD D,$5A Point DE at the attribute file address for the top-left tile of the icon
7027 LD (DE),A Set the attributes for the top two tiles of the icon
7028 INC E
7029 LD (DE),A
702A SET 6,E Point DE at the attribute file address for the bottom-right tile of the icon
702C RES 5,E
702E LD (DE),A Set the attributes for the bottom two tiles of the icon
702F DEC E
7030 LD (DE),A
7031 RET
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