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F55F: Make MR WACKER find and expel ERIC
The address of this routine is found in the command list at F530, the address of which is placed into bytes 0x1B and 0x1C of MR WACKER's buffer by the routine at F532.
F55F LD L,$1D Set bit 7 of byte 0x1D of MR WACKER's buffer, making him run
F561 SET 7,(HL)
F563 LD A,$FF Set the MSB of the lesson clock at 7FE3 to 0xFF (this lesson will not end until ERIC's expelled)
F565 LD ($7FE4),A
F568 CALL $6558 Move MR WACKER one step closer to ERIC (if he's not yet close enough)
F56B LD HL,$C800 Point HL at byte 0x00 of MR WACKER's buffer
F56E BIT 0,(HL) Is MR WACKER now midstride?
F570 RET NZ Return if so
F571 INC L L=0x01
F572 LD DE,($D201) E=ERIC's x-coordinate, D=ERIC's y-coordinate
F576 LD A,(HL) A=MR WACKER's x-coordinate
F577 SUB E Is MR WACKER within 3 x-coordinates of ERIC?
F578 ADD A,$03
F57A CP $07
F57C RET NC Return if not
F57D INC L L=0x02
F57E LD A,(HL) A=MR WACKER's y-coordinate
F57F SUB D Is MR WACKER within 3 y-coordinates of ERIC?
F580 ADD A,$03
F582 CP $07
F584 RET NC Return if not
MR WACKER has found ERIC.
F585 LD HL,$7FFB 7FFB holds ERIC's status flags
F588 LD (HL),$40 Set bit 6: MR WACKER is expelling ERIC (who is now paralysed)
F58A LD L,$ED HL=7FED (ERIC's other status flags)
F58C BIT 5,(HL) Bit 5 is set if ERIC jumped out of the top-floor window
F590 LD E,$63 Message 0x63: YOU HAVE 10000 LINES...
F592 JR Z,$F595 Jump if ERIC didn't jump out of the top-floor window (i.e. he has 10000 lines)
F594 INC E E=0x64: YOU ARE NOT A BIRD...
F595 LD BC,$6A08 Redirect control to the routine at 6A08 (make character speak) and return to F59B (below) when done
F598 CALL $639F
F59B LD DE,($7FE5) Collect the score from 7FE5 into DE
F59F LD HL,($7FE9) Collect the current hi-score from 7FE9 into HL
F5A2 AND A Clear the carry flag ready for subtraction
F5A3 SBC HL,DE Do we have a new hi-score?
F5A5 JR NC,$F5AB Jump if not
F5A7 LD ($7FE9),DE Insert the new hi-score
F5AB LD HL,$0000 Reset the score (at 7FE5) and the lines total (at 7FE7) to 0
F5AE LD ($7FE5),HL
F5B1 LD ($7FE7),HL
F5B4 JP $F6D5 Enter demo mode
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