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6A08: Make a character speak
The address of this interruptible subcommand routine is placed into bytes 0x09 and 0x0A of the character's buffer by the routine at F05D, F073, F100, F250 or F55F.
E Message number
H Character number (0xC8-0xCC, 0xD0)
6A08 LD L,$0B Store the message number in byte 0x0B of the character's buffer
6A0A LD (HL),E
The address of this entry point is placed into bytes 0x09 and 0x0A of EINSTEIN's buffer by the routine at F000.
6A0B LD L,$10 Clear bytes 0x0C-0x10 of the character's buffer, thus removing the addresses of any old (sub)(sub)messages
6A0D LD B,$05
6A0F LD (HL),$00
6A11 DEC L
6A12 DJNZ $6A0F
6A14 LD E,(HL) E=message number
6A15 LD D,$FE Pick up the address of the message and place it into bytes 0x0B and 0x0C of the character's buffer
6A17 LD A,(DE)
6A18 LD (HL),A
6A19 INC D
6A1A LD A,(DE)
6A1C LD (HL),A
If somebody else is already speaking, this entry point is used while this character waits his turn to speak.
6A1D LD A,($7FF8) 7FF8 holds the LSB of the SRB address corresponding to the lip of the speech bubble (or 0 if there is no bubble on-screen)
6A20 LD L,$09 Place the address of the entry point at 6A1D into bytes 0x09 and 0x0A of the character's buffer
6A22 LD (HL),$1D
6A24 AND A Is anyone else speaking at the moment?
6A25 RET NZ Return if so
6A26 LD (HL),$2E Place the address of the entry point at 6A2E into bytes 0x09 and 0x0A of the character's buffer
6A28 CALL $694E Print the speech bubble if the character's head is on-screen
6A2B RET NC Return if the character's head is on-screen
6A2C JR $6A45 Otherwise make this routine relinquish control of the character
This entry point is used while the character is speaking.
6A2F CALL $68E1 Update the SRB so that the speech bubble is not corrupted
6A33 JR NC,$6A42 Jump if the speech bubble is no longer on-screen
6A35 EXX Point HL' at the end of the buffer (at 5B00) which will contain the speech text graphic data
6A36 LD HL,$5B3F
6A39 EXX
6A3A LD B,$02 We scroll the message two letters at a time
6A3C CALL $66CE Collect in A the next character code from the message
6A3F AND A Has the message finished?
6A40 JR NZ,$6A48 Jump if not
The message has finished, or the speech bubble has been scrolled off the screen. Either way, the character has finished speaking.
6A42 CALL $691E Update the SRB to get rid of the speech bubble
6A45 JP $6390 Terminate this interruptible subcommand
The character has not finished speaking.
6A49 CALL $69E6 Roll the font character bitmap into the message buffer
6A4D DJNZ $6A3C Jump back until two more letters have been rolled into the buffer
6A4F LD L,$1D Reset the walk/run bit in byte 0x1D of the character's buffer to make sure he speaks slowly
6A51 RES 7,(HL)
6A53 LD A,($7FF8) Now A=LSB of the address of the SRB byte corresponding to the top line of the speech bubble
6A56 SUB $08
6A58 LD L,A Set HL to the display file address of the start of the top pixel line of text
6A5B AND $18
6A5D ADD A,$44
6A60 LD A,L
6A61 ADD A,A
6A62 ADD A,A
6A63 ADD A,A
6A64 LD L,A
6A65 NOP
6A66 INC L
6A67 LD DE,$5B02 The speech text graphic data is stored in the 64-byte buffer at 5B00
6A6B CALL $6A77 Print the top 4 pixel rows of the text inside the speech bubble
6A6E ADD A,$20 Set DE to the display file address of the start of the 5th pixel row of text
6A70 LD E,A
6A71 JR C,$6A78
6A73 LD A,D
6A74 SUB $08
6A76 LD D,A
6A77 LD A,E Save the LSB of the base display file address
6A78 LD B,$04 4 pixel lines at a time
6A7B LD BC,$0006 There are 6 character squares inside the speech bubble
6A7E LDIR Copy a row of 6 bytes to the screen
6A80 INC L Move HL to the start of the next row of pixel data in the message buffer
6A81 INC L
6A82 LD E,A Restore the LSB of the base display file address
6A83 INC D Next pixel row down
6A85 DJNZ $6A7A Jump back until all 4 pixel rows in this half have been copied to the screen
6A87 RET
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