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6558: Make a teacher find ERIC
Used by the routines at 7E7B, F09B, F54A and F55F. Computes the teacher's next move in the search for ERIC.
H Teacher's character number (0xC8-0xCC)
6558 LD L,$00 Point HL at byte 0x00 of the character's buffer
655A BIT 0,(HL) Is the teacher midstride?
655C JR Z,$656B Jump if not
This entry point is used by the routines at 7E7B, F09B and F54A to make the teacher who his chasing ERIC finish his stride.
655E CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for the teacher's current animatory state and location
6561 LD B,A Save the animatory state in B temporarily
6562 LD L,$0F Byte 0x0F holds the y-coordinate adjustment to make as the teacher finishes this stride: 0 normally, 1 if descending a staircase (see later in this routine)
6564 LD A,(HL)
6565 ADD A,D Make the appropriate y-coordinate adjustment
6566 LD D,A
6567 LD A,B Restore the animatory state to A
6568 JP $6400 Make the teacher finish his stride
The teacher is not midstride. Is he close enough to ERIC to stop the chase?
656B CALL $6E52 Is the teacher on a staircase?
656E JR C,$6597 Jump if so
6570 LD DE,($D201) Pick up ERIC's coordinates in DE
6574 LD L,$00 Byte 0x00 holds the teacher's animatory state
6576 BIT 7,(HL) Is the teacher facing left?
6578 LD L,$01
657A JR Z,$6580 Jump if so
657C LD A,E A=ERIC's x-coordinate
657D SUB (HL) Subtract that of the teacher
657E JR $6582
6580 LD A,(HL) A=teacher's x-coordinate
6581 SUB E Subtract that of ERIC
6582 CP $04 Is ERIC less than 4 horizontal spaces in front of the teacher?
6584 JR NC,$6594 Jump if not
6586 INC L L=0x02
6587 LD A,(HL) A=teacher's y-coordinate
6588 SUB $04
658A JR C,$658F Jump if the teacher's on the top floor
658C CP D Is ERIC at least 4 vertical spaces above the teacher?
658D JR NC,$6594 Jump if so
658F ADD A,$07 Set the carry flag if ERIC is at least 4 vertical spaces below the teacher
6591 CP D
6592 CCF Return if ERIC is within 3 vertical spaces either side of the teacher
6593 RET C
The teacher is not close enough to ERIC yet to stop chasing him. Now to figure out the teacher's next move.
6594 CALL $63BE D=ERIC's y-coordinate (or the y-coordinate of the floor he's closest to if his feet are not on the floor)
6597 CALL $64F3 Work out how the teacher can reach ERIC from here
659A BIT 3,A Is there a closed door in the way?
659C JP NZ,$70A2 Open it if so
There is no closed door in the way. Is the teacher on a staircase?
659F LD BC,$0000 Initialise the staircase indicator to 0
65A2 CP $02 Is the teacher descending a staircase?
65A4 JR NZ,$65A7 Jump if not
65A6 INC B B=1 (teacher is descending a staircase)
65A7 JR NC,$65AA Jump if the teacher is not ascending a staircase
65A9 DEC C C=-1 (teacher is ascending a staircase)
65AA CP $03 Is the teacher on a staircase?
65AC JR C,$65BD Jump if so
65AE LD L,$00 Byte 0x00 holds the teacher's animatory state
65B0 CP $04 Set the carry flag if the teacher should go left
65B2 BIT 7,(HL) Set the zero flag if the teacher is facing left
65B4 JR C,$65BB Jump if the teacher must go left to reach ERIC
65B6 JR NZ,$65BD Jump if the teacher is facing right
65B8 JP $6430 Turn the teacher round
65BB JR NZ,$65B8 Turn the teacher round if he's facing right
Now BC is still 0 if the teacher is not on a staircase. Otherwise, B=1 and C=0 if he's descending a staircase, or B=0 and C=-1 if he's ascending a staircase. The value in B is the y-coordinate adjustment to make when the teacher finishes this stride later, and the value in C is the y-coordinate adjustment to make as he goes midstride now.
65BD LD L,$0F Set byte 0x0F of teacher's buffer to 1 if the teacher is descending a staircase, or 0 if he's ascending a staircase or not on one
65BF LD (HL),B
65C1 CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for the teacher's current animatory state and location
65C5 BIT 0,C Is the teacher ascending a staircase?
65C7 JR Z,$65CA Jump if not
65C9 DEC D Up a stair as the teacher goes midstride
65CA INC A One foot forward (midstride)
65CB JP $6130 Update the teacher's animatory state and location and update the SRB
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