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Routines |
Prev: 5F08 | Up: Map | Next: 5F9C |
5F1C | LD HL,$D100 | Point HL at byte 0x00 of HAYLEY's buffer | ||||||||||
5F1F | XOR (HL) | Are ERIC and HAYLEY facing the same way? | ||||||||||
5F20 | RLCA | |||||||||||
5F21 | JR NC,$5F3A | Jump if so | ||||||||||
5F23 | BIT 2,(HL) | Is HAYLEY standing up? | ||||||||||
5F25 | JR NZ,$5F3A | Jump if not | ||||||||||
5F27 | LD A,(HL) | A=HAYLEY's animatory state | ||||||||||
5F28 | RLCA | A=x-coordinate of the position two spaces in front of HAYLEY | ||||||||||
5F29 | SBC A,A | |||||||||||
5F2A | ADD A,A | |||||||||||
5F2B | CPL | |||||||||||
5F2C | ADD A,A | |||||||||||
5F2D | INC L | |||||||||||
5F2E | ADD A,(HL) | |||||||||||
5F2F | CP E | Does ERIC's x-coordinate match this? | ||||||||||
5F30 | JR NZ,$5F3A | Jump if not | ||||||||||
5F32 | INC L | L=0x02 | ||||||||||
5F33 | LD A,(HL) | A=HAYLEY's y-coordinate | ||||||||||
5F34 | SUB D | Jump if ERIC's y-coordinate does not match HAYLEY's, or ERIC has used up all his kisses | ||||||||||
5F35 | JR NZ,$5F3A | |||||||||||
5F37 | LD L,$12 | Set the zero flag if there is no uninterruptible subcommand routine address in HAYLEY's buffer (A=0) | ||||||||||
5F39 | CP (HL) | |||||||||||
At this point the zero flag is set if HAYLEY is kissable (i.e. ERIC and HAYLEY are standing and facing each other at close proximity, and ERIC hasn't already used up all his kisses), and reset otherwise.
5F3A | LD A,$01 | 0x01: ERIC midstride | ||||||||||
5F3C | LD HL,$D224 | At D224 lies a RET instruction | ||||||||||
5F3F | JP NZ,$E12A | Jump if HAYLEY is not kissable at this time | ||||||||||
5F42 | LD A,($7FE2) | 7FE2 holds HAYLEY's kiss counter | ||||||||||
5F45 | AND A | Has ERIC used up all his kisses? | ||||||||||
5F46 | JR NZ,$5F4B | Jump if not | ||||||||||
5F48 | LD HL,$5F08 | 5F08: hit ERIC | ||||||||||
5F4B | LD ($D111),HL | Place the appropriate uninterruptible subcommand routine address (5F08: hit ERIC, or D224: do nothing) into bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of HAYLEY's buffer | ||||||||||
5F4E | JR Z,$5F34 | Make HAYLEY hit ERIC if he's used up all his kisses | ||||||||||
ERIC has scored a kiss.
5F50 | SUB $07 | Subtract 7 from the kiss counter | ||||||||||
5F52 | JR NC,$5F55 | Jump if that doesn't take it below zero | ||||||||||
5F54 | XOR A | Set it to zero otherwise | ||||||||||
5F55 | LD ($7FE2),A | Store the new kiss count at 7FE2 | ||||||||||
5F58 | LD HL,($7FE7) | 7FE7 holds the lines total (divided by 10) | ||||||||||
5F5B | LD BC,$FF9C | BC=-100 | ||||||||||
5F5E | XOR A | |||||||||||
5F5F | ADD HL,BC | Subtract 1000 from the lines total | ||||||||||
5F60 | JR C,$5F64 | Jump if the lines total (in HL) is still positive | ||||||||||
5F62 | LD H,A | Otherwise set HL=0 | ||||||||||
5F63 | LD L,A | |||||||||||
5F64 | LD ($7FE7),HL | Decrease ERIC's lines total by 1000 (or to 0) | ||||||||||
5F67 | CALL $73CB | Print the number of lines | ||||||||||
5F6A | LD H,$D1 | 0xD1=HAYLEY | ||||||||||
5F6C | CALL $61B4 | Update the SRB for HAYLEY's current animatory state and location | ||||||||||
5F6F | LD L,$14 | Save HAYLEY's current animatory state in byte 0x14 of her buffer for later retrieval | ||||||||||
5F71 | LD (HL),A | |||||||||||
5F72 | DEC L | Save HAYLEY's current x-coordinate in byte 0x13 of her buffer for later retrieval | ||||||||||
5F73 | LD (HL),E | |||||||||||
5F74 | LD L,$01 | Set HAYLEY's x-coordinate to 224 (out of sight) briefly | ||||||||||
5F76 | LD (HL),$E0 | |||||||||||
5F78 | LD H,$D2 | 0xD2=ERIC | ||||||||||
5F7A | CALL $61B4 | Update the SRB for ERIC's current animatory state and location | ||||||||||
5F7D | LD L,$01 | Point HL at byte 0x01 of ERIC's buffer | ||||||||||
5F7F | RLCA | Is ERIC facing right (bit 7 set)? | ||||||||||
5F80 | JR C,$5F84 | Jump if so | ||||||||||
5F82 | DEC (HL) | |||||||||||
5F83 | DEC (HL) | |||||||||||
5F84 | INC (HL) | Move ERIC one space forward for the snog (which pushes ERIC through the closed skool gate if he kisses HAYLEY from behind it; this is a bug) | ||||||||||
5F85 | LD A,$0F | 0x0F: ERIC and HAYLEY kissing | ||||||||||
5F87 | CALL $5EB7 | Adjust ERIC's animatory state, update the SRB, and return to 5F8A (below) next time | ||||||||||
5F8A | CALL $F3C4 | Make a sound effect | ||||||||||
5F8D | LD HL,$D113 | Point HL at byte 0x13 of HAYLEY's buffer | ||||||||||
5F90 | LD E,(HL) | Pick up HAYLEY's pre-kiss x-coordinate in E | ||||||||||
5F91 | LD L,$02 | Point HL at byte 0x02 of HAYLEY's buffer | ||||||||||
5F93 | LD D,(HL) | D=HAYLEY's y-coordinate | ||||||||||
5F94 | CALL $77BD | Restore HAYLEY's pre-kiss coordinates and animatory state and update the SRB | ||||||||||
5F97 | LD H,$D2 | 0xD2=ERIC | ||||||||||
5F99 | JP $5EE2 | Detach ERIC from HAYLEY's embrace |
Prev: 5F08 | Up: Map | Next: 5F9C |