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F533: Deal with ERIC when he's jumping
Used by the routine at 6AD9 when bit 2 of ERIC's status flags at 7FFB is set (by the routine at F46E, via F499).
F533 LD HL,$7FF6 Decrement the jumping action timer at 7FF6 (which starts at 0x10)
F536 DEC (HL) Has ERIC completed the jump?
F537 JP Z,$F425 Jump if so
F53A LD A,(HL) Pick up the current value of the action timer in A
F53B CP $0C
F53D LD B,$0F Lines reprimand 0x0F: YOU ARE NOT A KANGAROO
F53F JP Z,$F456 Jump if it's time to check whether any teachers can see ERIC jumping
F544 CP $0D Is it time to check whether ERIC has touched a shield or opened the safe?
F546 JP Z,$F51E Jump if so
F549 CP $0E Is it time to make the jumping sound effect?
F54B JP Z,$EAEB Jump if so
F54E CP $09 Is it time to move ERIC's arm back?
F550 JP Z,$706B Jump if so
F553 CP $03 Is it time to bring ERIC back down to the floor?
F555 JR NZ,$F55E Jump if not
F557 CALL $6214 Update the SRB for ERIC's current location
F55A INC D Move ERIC downwards
F55B JP $61B0 Update ERIC's location and update the SRB
F55E CP $06 Return if A < 0x06 (nothing to check or do)
F560 RET C
At this point A=0x06 (which means it's time to check whether ERIC has jumped onto a boy, or ERIC is already standing on a boy), or A is one of {0x07, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0F}, or A>0x80 (which means ERIC has jumped while standing on a boy).
F561 JR NZ,$F5AB Jump unless (a) it's time to check whether ERIC has jumped on a boy, or (b) ERIC is already standing on a boy
This entry point is erroneously used by the routine at EAEB with H=0x03 (which means (D,E) is set to (198,32) by the code that follows, and the routine exits at F579).
F563 LD L,$61 Byte 0x61 of ERIC's buffer holds his y-coordinate
F565 LD D,(HL) Pick this up in D
F566 INC D Down a level (where the boy that ERIC is standing on would be, if any)
F567 INC L Byte 0x62 holds ERIC's x-coordinate
F568 LD E,(HL) Pick this up in E
F569 LD B,$0B There are 11 little boys
F56B LD H,$98 0x98=little boy no. 1
F56D CALL $F5B9 Is ERIC standing on a little boy?
F570 JR C,$F57A Jump if so
F574 LD B,$03 There are three main kids besides ERIC
F576 CALL $F5BF Is ERIC standing on one of the three main kids?
F579 RET NC Return if not
ERIC is standing on a kid who's been knocked out.
F57A CALL $673A Check for keypresses
F57D LD HL,$7FF6 Set the jumping action timer at 7FF6 to 0x07, so that we keep returning to this section of code while ERIC is standing on a boy
F580 LD (HL),$07
F582 RET Z Return if no key of interest was pressed
F583 SET 5,A Convert the ASCII code of the keypress in A to lower case
F585 CP $6A Was 'j' (jump) pressed?
F587 JR NZ,$F58C Jump if not
F589 LD (HL),$90 Set the jumping action timer at 7FF6 to 0x90 to indicate that ERIC has jumped while standing on a boy
F58B RET Return to the main loop with the carry flag reset
A key other than 'j' was pressed while ERIC was standing on a boy.
F58C CP $6F 0x6F='o'
F58E LD B,$00 Set B=0x00 (ERIC facing left) for later comparison
F590 JR Z,$F597 Jump if 'o' (left) was pressed
F592 LD B,$80 Set B=0x80 (ERIC facing right) for later comparison
F594 CP $70 Was 'p' (right) pressed?
F596 RET NZ Return if not
F597 LD HL,$AC66 A=animatory state of ERIC before he jumped (stored in byte 0x66 of his buffer)
F59A LD A,(HL)
F59B AND $80 Keep only the 'direction' bit
F59D CP B Should ERIC turn round?
F59E RET Z Return if not
F59F LD A,(HL) Adjust ERIC's pre-jump animatory state to reflect his turning round while standing on a boy
F5A0 XOR $80
F5A2 LD (HL),A
F5A3 CALL $6214 Update the SRB for ERIC's current animatory state
F5A6 XOR $80 A=animatory state of ERIC facing the other way
F5A8 JP $61B0 Update ERIC's animatory state and update the SRB
At this point A is one of {0x07, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0F} (which means there is nothing to do), or A=0x80-0x8F (which means ERIC has jumped while standing on a boy).
F5AB CP $86 Return now if the SUB $80 instruction below would make A=0x06
F5AE SUB $80 Return unless ERIC jumped while standing on a boy
So ERIC has jumped while standing on a boy. Now either A=0x00, meaning it's time to set the jumping action timer at 7FF6 back to 7, so we can deal with ERIC while he's standing on a boy; or A=0x01-0x0F (but not 0x06, because that would lead us into the code at F563 to perform a redundant check on whether ERIC is standing on a boy), meaning we need to run the usual checks while ERIC is in mid-air.
F5B1 JP NZ,$F53B Run the usual checks while ERIC is in mid-air above a supine boy
F5B4 JR $F57C This should be JR F57D
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