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93D1: Draw the items in the current room and collect any that Willy is touching
Used by the routine at 89AD.
93D1 LD H,$A4 Page 0xA4 holds the first byte of each entry in the item table
93D3 LD A,($A3FF) Pick up the index of the first item from A3FF
93D6 LD L,A Point HL at the first byte of the first entry in the item table
The item-drawing loop begins here.
93D7 LD C,(HL) Pick up the first byte of the current entry in the item table
93D8 RES 7,C Reset bit 7; bit 6 holds the collection flag, and bits 0-5 hold the room number
93DA LD A,($8420) Pick up the number of the current room from 8420
93DD OR $40 Set bit 6 (corresponding to the collection flag)
93DF CP C Is the item in the current room and still uncollected?
93E0 JR NZ,$9452 If not, jump to consider the next entry in the item table
This item is in the current room and has not been collected yet.
93E2 LD A,(HL) Pick up the first byte of the current entry in the item table
93E3 RLCA Point DE at the location of the item in the attribute buffer at 5C00
93E4 AND $01
93E6 ADD A,$5C
93E8 LD D,A
93E9 INC H
93EA LD E,(HL)
93EC LD A,(DE) Pick up the current attribute byte at the item's location
93ED AND $07 Is the INK white (which happens if Willy is touching the item, or the room's background tile has white INK, as in Swimming Pool)?
93EF CP $07
93F1 JR NZ,$9430 Jump if not
Willy is touching this item (or the room's background tile has white INK), so add it to his collection.
93F3 LD IX,$857C Point IX at the number of items collected at 857C
93F7 INC (IX+$02) Increment a digit of the number of items collected
93FA LD A,(IX+$02) Was the digit originally '9'?
93FD CP $3A
93FF JR NZ,$9409 Jump if not
9401 LD (IX+$02),$30 Set the digit to '0'
9405 DEC IX Move back to the digit on the left
9407 JR $93F7 Jump back to increment this digit
9409 LD A,($80DE) Pick up the border colour for the current room from 80DE
940C LD C,$80 Produce the sound effect for collecting an item
940E OUT ($FE),A
9410 XOR $18
9412 LD E,A
9413 LD A,$90
9415 SUB C
9416 LD B,A
9417 LD A,E
9418 DJNZ $9418
941A DEC C
941B DEC C
941C JR NZ,$940E
941E LD A,($85DE) Update the counter of items remaining at 85DE, and set the zero flag if there are no more items to collect
9421 INC A
9422 LD ($85DE),A
9425 JR NZ,$942C Jump if there are any items still to be collected
9427 LD A,$01 Update the game mode indicator at 85DF to 1 (all items collected)
9429 LD ($85DF),A
942C RES 6,(HL) Reset bit 6 of the first byte of the entry in the item table: the item has been collected
942E JR $9452 Jump to consider the next entry in the item table
Willy is not touching this item, so draw it and cycle its INK colour.
9430 LD A,($85CB) Generate the INK colour for the item from the value of the minute counter at 85CB (0x00-0xFF) and the index of the item in the item table (0xAD-0xFF)
9433 ADD A,L
9434 AND $03
9436 ADD A,$03
9438 LD C,A
9439 LD A,(DE) Change the INK colour of the item in the attribute buffer at 5C00
943A AND $F8
943C OR C
943D LD (DE),A
943E LD A,(HL) Point DE at the location of the item in the screen buffer at 6000
9440 RLCA
9441 RLCA
9442 RLCA
9443 AND $08
9445 ADD A,$60
9447 LD D,A
9448 PUSH HL Save HL briefly
9449 LD HL,$80E1 Point HL at the item graphic for the current room (at 80E1)
944C LD B,$08 There are eight pixel rows to copy
944E CALL $969B Draw the item to the screen buffer at 6000
9451 POP HL Restore the item table pointer to HL
The current item has been dealt with (skipped, collected or drawn) as appropriate. Time to consider the next one.
9452 INC L Point HL at the first byte of the next entry in the item table
9453 JR NZ,$93D7 Jump back unless we've examined every entry
9455 RET
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