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89AD: Main loop (1)
Used by the routines at 8912 and 8B07.
89AD CALL $898B Draw the remaining lives
89B0 LD HL,$5E00 Copy the contents of the attribute buffer at 5E00 (the attributes for the empty room) into the attribute buffer at 5C00
89B3 LD DE,$5C00
89B6 LD BC,$0200
89BB LD HL,$7000 Copy the contents of the screen buffer at 7000 (the tiles for the empty room) into the screen buffer at 6000
89BE LD DE,$6000
89C1 LD BC,$1000
89C6 CALL $90C0 Move the rope and guardians in the current room
89C9 LD A,($85DF) Pick up the game mode indicator from 85DF
89CC CP $03 Is Willy's head down the toilet?
89CE CALL NZ,$8DD3 If not, move Willy
89D1 LD A,($85CF) Pick up Willy's y-coordinate from 85CF
89D4 CP $E1 Has Willy just moved up a ramp or a rope past the top of the screen?
89D6 CALL NC,$94B0 If so, move Willy into the room above
89D9 LD A,($85DF) Pick up the game mode indicator from 85DF
89DC CP $03 Is Willy's head down the toilet?
89DE CALL NZ,$95C8 If not, check and set the attribute bytes for Willy's sprite in the buffer at 5C00, and draw Willy to the screen buffer at 6000
89E1 LD A,($85DF) Pick up the game mode indicator from 85DF
89E4 CP $02 Is Willy on his way to the toilet?
89E6 CALL Z,$9584 If so, check whether he's reached it yet
89E9 CALL $9534 Deal with special rooms (Master Bedroom, The Bathroom)
89EC CALL $91BE Draw the rope, arrows and guardians in the current room
89EF CALL $94F9 Move the conveyor in the current room (if there is one)
89F2 CALL $93D1 Draw the items in the current room (if there are any) and collect any that Willy is touching
This entry point is used by the routine at 90B6.
89F5 LD HL,$6000 Copy the contents of the screen buffer at 6000 to the display file
89F8 LD DE,$4000
89FB LD BC,$1000
8A00 LD A,($85DF) Pick up the game mode indicator from 85DF
8A03 AND $02 Now A=1 if Willy is running to the toilet or already has his head down it, 0 otherwise
8A06 LD HL,$85D2 Set Willy's animation frame at 85D2 to 1 or 3 if Willy is running to the toilet or already has his head down it; this has the effect of moving Willy at twice his normal speed as he makes his way to the toilet (using animation frames 2 and 0)
8A09 OR (HL)
8A0A LD (HL),A
8A0B LD A,($85CD) Pick up the screen flash counter (unused and always 0) from 85CD
8A0E OR A Is it zero?
8A0F JR Z,$8A26 Jump if so (this jump is always made)
The next section of code is never executed.
8A11 DEC A Decrement the screen flash counter at 85CD
8A12 LD ($85CD),A
8A15 RLCA Move bits 0-2 into bits 3-5 and clear all the other bits
8A18 AND $38
8A1A LD HL,$5C00 Set every attribute byte in the buffer at 5C00 to this value
8A1D LD DE,$5C01
8A20 LD BC,$01FF
8A23 LD (HL),A
Normal service resumes here.
8A26 LD HL,$5C00 Copy the contents of the attribute buffer at 5C00 to the attribute file
8A29 LD DE,$5800
8A2C LD BC,$0200
8A31 LD IX,$857F Print the current time (see 857F) at (19,25)
8A35 LD DE,$5079
8A38 LD C,$06
8A3A CALL $9680
8A3D LD IX,$857C Print the number of items collected (see 857C) at (19,16)
8A41 LD DE,$5070
8A44 LD C,$03
8A46 CALL $9680
8A49 LD A,($85CB) Increment the minute counter at 85CB
8A4D LD ($85CB),A
8A50 JR NZ,$8AAB Jump unless the minute counter has ticked over to 0
A minute of game time has passed. Update the game clock accordingly.
8A52 LD IX,$857F Point IX at the current time at 857F
8A56 INC (IX+$04) Increment the units digit of the minute
8A59 LD A,(IX+$04) Pick up the new units digit
8A5C CP $3A Was it '9' before?
8A5E JR NZ,$8AAB Jump if not
8A60 LD (IX+$04),$30 Set the units digit of the minute to '0'
8A64 INC (IX+$03) Increment the tens digit of the minute
8A67 LD A,(IX+$03) Pick up the new tens digit
8A6A CP $36 Was it '5' before?
8A6C JR NZ,$8AAB Jump if not
8A6E LD (IX+$03),$30 Set the tens digit of the minute to '0'
8A72 LD A,(IX+$00) Pick up the tens digit of the hour
8A75 CP $31 Is it currently '1'?
8A77 JR NZ,$8A99 Jump if not
8A79 INC (IX+$01) Increment the units digit of the hour
8A7C LD A,(IX+$01) Pick up the new units digit
8A7F CP $33 Was it '2' before?
8A81 JR NZ,$8AAB Jump if not
8A83 LD A,(IX+$05) Pick up the 'a' or 'p' of 'am/pm'
8A86 CP $70 Is it 'p'?
8A88 JP Z,$87CA If so, quit the game (it's 1am)
8A8B LD (IX+$00),$20 Set the tens digit of the hour to ' ' (space)
8A8F LD (IX+$01),$31 Set the units digit of the hour to '1'
8A93 LD (IX+$05),$70 Change the 'a' of 'am' to 'p'
8A97 JR $8AAB
8A99 INC (IX+$01) Increment the units digit of the hour
8A9C LD A,(IX+$01) Pick up the new units digit
8A9F CP $3A Was it '9' before?
8AA1 JR NZ,$8AAB Jump if not
8AA3 LD (IX+$01),$30 Set the units digit of the hour to '0'
8AA7 LD (IX+$00),$31 Set the tens digit of the hour to '1'
Now check whether any non-movement keys are being pressed.
8AB0 LD E,A Save the result in E
8AB1 LD B,$7F Read keys B-N-M-SS-SPACE
8AB3 IN A,(C)
8AB5 OR E Combine the results
8AB6 AND $01 Are SHIFT and SPACE being pressed?
8AB8 JP Z,$87CA If so, quit the game
8ABB LD A,($85E0) Increment the inactivity timer at 85E0
8ABF LD ($85E0),A
8AC2 JR Z,$8AD1 Jump if the inactivity timer is now 0 (no keys have been pressed for a while)
8AC4 LD B,$FD Read keys A-S-D-F-G
8AC6 IN A,(C)
8AC8 AND $1F Are any of these keys being pressed?
8ACC JR Z,$8B17 Jump if not
8ACE LD DE,$0000 Prepare the delay counters in D and E for the pause loop that follows
The following loop pauses the game until any key except A, S, D, F or G is pressed.
8AD1 LD B,$02 Read every half-row of keys except A-S-D-F-G
8AD3 IN A,(C)
8AD5 AND $1F Are any of these keys being pressed?
8AD7 CP $1F
8AD9 JR NZ,$8B07 If so, resume the game
8ADB INC E Increment the delay counter in E
8ADC JR NZ,$8AD1 Jump back unless it's zero
8ADE INC D Increment the delay counter in D
8ADF JR NZ,$8AD1 Jump back unless it's zero
8AE1 LD A,($85E3) Pick up the WRITETYPER key counter from 85E3
8AE4 CP $0A Has WRITETYPER been keyed in yet?
8AE6 CALL NZ,$8AEB If not, cycle the INK and PAPER colours
8AE9 JR $8AD1 Jump back to the beginning of the pause loop
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