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775B: Make BOY WANDER fire his catapult now and then
The address of this continual subcommand routine is placed into bytes 0x17 and 0x18 of BOY WANDER's buffer by command lists 0x20, 0x2E and 0x32, and is also used by the routine at F804. It decides whether BOY WANDER should let rip with a pellet, and gets the catapult-firing action under way if so.
775B LD A,($D512) Pick up byte 0x12 of buffer 0xD5 (BOY WANDER's pellet)
775E AND A Is there a uninterruptible subcommand routine address in bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the buffer?
775F RET NZ Return if so (this buffer is in use)
7760 LD L,A L=0x00
7761 BIT 0,(HL) Is BOY WANDER midstride?
7763 RET NZ Return if so
7764 INC L L=0x01
7765 LD A,(HL) A=BOY WANDER's x-coordinate
7766 AND $03 Return unless BOY WANDER's x-coordinate is divisible by 4
7768 RET NZ
7769 CALL $774F Is BOY WANDER exactly on the top, middle, or bottom floor?
776C RET NZ Return if not
776D CALL $6291 A=random number
7770 RRCA Return half the time
7771 RET NC
7772 CALL $6D64 Can any adults see BOY WANDER?
7775 RET C Return if so
7776 POP BC Drop the return address (6357)
7777 POP BC Pop the value of HL that was pushed on to the stack by the routine at 62D0 before coming here; RET will now take us back either to 62D0 to move the next character, or to the main loop
7778 CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for BOY WANDER's current animatory state and location
777B LD L,$14 Store BOY WANDER's current animatory state in byte 0x14 of his buffer for the time being
777D LD (HL),A
777E AND $F0
7780 ADD A,$0A A=0x1A or 0x9A: BOY WANDER raising his arm to fire
7782 CALL $7746 Update BOY WANDER's animatory state and hand over to 7785 (below)
7785 CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for BOY WANDER's current animatory state
7788 INC A A=0x1B or 0x9B: BOY WANDER firing the catapult
7789 CALL $7746 Update BOY WANDER's animatory state and hand over to 778C (below)
778C LD L,$11 Place the address of the uninterruptible subcommand routine at 77B3 into bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of BOY WANDER's buffer
778E LD (HL),$B3
7790 LD A,($D512) Pick up byte 0x12 of buffer 0xD5 (BOY WANDER's pellet)
7793 AND A Is this buffer already being used?
7794 RET NZ Return if so
7795 LD B,$D5 Use buffer 0xD5 for BOY WANDER's catapult pellet
This entry point is used by the routine at F975 with H=0xD2 (ERIC) and B=0xD6 (ERIC's pellet).
7797 LD L,$00 Point HL at byte 0x00 of the shooter's character buffer
7799 LD A,(HL) A=shooter's animatory state
779A AND $80 A=0x80 if the pellet will travel right, 0x00 if left
779C ADD A,$4F A=0x4F/0xCF: catapult pellet travelling left/right
779E INC L Collect the initial coordinates of the pellet from the shooter's buffer into DE
779F LD E,(HL)
77A0 INC L
77A1 LD D,(HL)
77A2 LD H,B H=buffer to be used for the pellet (0xD5 if it's BOY WANDER's, 0xD6 if it's ERIC's)
77A3 LD (HL),D Fill in the initial coordinates and animatory state of the pellet
77A4 DEC L
77A5 LD (HL),E
77A6 DEC L
77A7 LD (HL),A
77A8 LD L,$11 Place the address of the pellet-controlling uninterruptible subcommand routine at 76AC into bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the pellet's buffer
77AA LD (HL),$AC
77AD LD (HL),$76
77AF INC L L=0x13
77B0 LD (HL),$0D The pellet will travel 13 spaces
77B2 RET
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