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6D62: Check whether ERIC can be seen by an adult
Used by the routine at 7D3E. Returns with the carry flag set if there is an adult nearby who can see ERIC, and A holding the adult's character number. Otherwise returns with the carry flag reset and A holding 0.
6D62 LD H,$D2 0xD2=ERIC
This entry point is used by the routines at 775B (with H=0xCE: BOY WANDER) and 77F2 (with H=0xCF: ANGELFACE).
6D64 CALL $6CEE Collect in C and B the lower and upper x-coordinates of the 'visibility region' (20 character spaces wide) around the boy
6D67 EXX
6D68 LD H,$C8 0xC8=MR WACKER
6D6A LD B,$06 There are 6 adult characters
6D6D CALL $6D32 Find the first adult character inside the visibility region (if any)
6D70 JR C,$6D79 Jump if we found one who can see the boy
6D72 AND A Are there any adult characters left to check?
6D73 RET Z Return with the carry flag reset if not
6D74 CALL $6D4C We must have found an adult character who is facing the wrong way to see the boy; skip this character and find the next one inside the visibility region
6D77 JR NC,$6D72 Jump if there are no others inside the visibility region, or we found another one facing the wrong way
We found an adult character inside the visibility region and facing the right way to see the boy.
6D79 EXX
6D7A LD A,H A=character number of the adult who saw the boy
6D7C RET Return with the carry flag set
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