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7D3E: Make any nearby teacher give ERIC lines if necessary (2)
Continues from 7D20. On entry, A contains a location identifier for ERIC:
ID Region
0 None of the places below (ERIC is never allowed here)
1 Playground
2 Various places in the boys' skool outside classrooms
3 Assembly hall
4 Dining hall
5 Revision Library, just outside the Yellow Room door
6 Science Lab
7 Blue Room
8 Yellow Room
A Location identifier for ERIC (0-8)
7D3E AND A Is ERIC in a forbidden zone?
7D3F JP Z,$7DE8 Jump with A=0 (0x00+0x3E=0x3E: YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED HERE) if so
ERIC's not in a forbidden zone. Check whether he's standing on a plant, or riding the bike in the boys' skool.
7D42 LD B,A B=ERIC's location identifier (1-8)
7D43 LD L,$FB HL=7FFB (ERIC's status flags)
7D45 BIT 1,(HL) Is ERIC on the bike, on a plant, or falling?
7D47 JR Z,$7D5B Jump if not
ERIC is on the bike, on a plant, or falling.
7D49 LD L,$ED HL=7FED (ERIC's other status flags)
7D4B LD A,(HL) Pick these up in A
7D4C AND $83 Check bits 0, 1 and 7
7D4E JR Z,$7D5B Jump if ERIC's falling
7D50 AND $02 A=0x02 (0x02+0x3E=0x40: GET OFF THE PLANTS) if ERIC's standing on a plant or plant pot
7D52 JP NZ,$7DE8 Jump if ERIC is (a) standing on a plant or plant pot, or (b) riding or standing on the saddle of the bike inside the boys' skool
7D55 DEC B B=0 now if ERIC's in the playground
7D56 LD A,$03 0x03+0x3E=0x41: DON'T RIDE BIKES IN HERE
7D58 JR NZ,$7D52 Jump if ERIC's riding the bike in the boys' skool
7D5A INC B B=ERIC's location identifier (1-8)
Now to check whether ERIC's in the room or area he's supposed to be in this period.
7D5B LD L,$E0 HL=7FE0 (lesson descriptor)
7D5D LD A,(HL) Pick this up in A
7D5E AND $0F Keep only the 'room' bits (bits 0-3)
7D60 LD C,A Copy the room bits to C
Now the value in C indicates where this lesson takes place:
C Lesson/location
2 Playtime
3 Assembly
4 Dinner
5 Revision Library
6 Science Lab
7 Blue Room
8 Yellow Room
7D61 LD L,$80 HL=7F80 (various game status flags)
7D63 BIT 6,(HL) Should ERIC be in class, assembly or the dinner hall by now?
7D65 JR NZ,$7DA7 Jump if so
7D67 LD L,$E4 Pick up the MSB of the lesson clock
7D69 LD A,(HL)
7D6A CP $0C Should ERIC by now have left the classroom he was in last period?
7D6C JR C,$7D86 Jump if so
It's too soon to be telling ERIC to GET ALONG NOW. Check whether he's sitting on the floor anywhere outside the assembly hall.
7D6E LD L,$FB HL=7FFB (ERIC's status flags)
7D70 BIT 2,(HL) Is ERIC sitting or lying down?
7D72 RET Z Return if not
7D73 LD A,($D200) A=ERIC's animatory state
7D76 CP $04 0x04: Is ERIC sitting in a chair?
7D78 RET Z Return if so
7D79 CP $85 0x85: ERIC sitting on the floor facing right
7D7B LD A,$04 0x04+0x3E=0x42: GET OFF THE FLOOR
7D7D JP NZ,$7DE8 Give lines if ERIC's sitting on the floor facing left, or lying down
7D80 LD A,B A=ERIC's location identifier (1-8)
7D81 CP $03 ERIC is sitting on the floor facing right; is he in the assembly hall?
7D83 JR NZ,$7D7B Give lines if not
7D85 RET
By now, ERIC should have left the classroom he was in last period.
7D86 LD A,$05 Location IDs 6-8 correspond to the boys' skool classrooms
7D88 CP B Is ERIC in the Blue Room, Yellow Room or Science Lab?
7D89 JR C,$7DA7 Jump if so
7D8B LD A,$02 Is it PLAYTIME?
7D8E JR Z,$7D9E Jump if so
7D90 DEC A A=1
7D91 CP B B=1 if ERIC's in the playground
7D92 LD A,$05 0x05+0x3E=0x43: GET BACK TO SCHOOL
7D94 JR Z,$7DE8 Give lines if ERIC is in the playground
7D97 CP $03
7D99 JR NZ,$7D9E Jump if not
7D9B CP B Is ERIC in the assembly hall?
7D9C JR Z,$7DB6 Jump if so
7D9E LD L,$FB HL=7FFB (ERIC's status flags)
7DA0 BIT 2,(HL) Is ERIC sitting or lying down?
7DA2 RET Z Return if not
7DA3 LD A,$04 0x04+0x3E=0x42: GET OFF THE FLOOR
7DA5 JR $7DE8 Give lines
ERIC should be in class, assembly or the dinner hall by now.
7DA7 LD A,B A=ERIC's location identifier (1-8)
7DA8 CP C Compare that with where he should be
7DA9 LD A,$06 0x06+0x3E=0x44: GET ALONG NOW
7DAB JR NZ,$7DE8 Give lines if ERIC's not where he should be
7DAE CP C C > 5 if this lesson is in a classroom
7DAF JR C,$7DD1 Jump if this lesson is in a classroom
7DB2 CP $03
7DB4 JR NZ,$7D9E Jump if not
7DB6 LD L,$80 HL=7F80 (various game status flags)
7DB8 BIT 7,(HL) Bit 7 is set if ERIC should be sitting down now
7DBA LD A,($D200) A=ERIC's animatory state
7DBD JR NZ,$7DC4 Jump if ERIC should be sitting facing the stage now
7DBF CP $85 0x85: Is ERIC sitting on the floor facing right?
7DC1 JR NZ,$7D9E Jump if not
It's assembly, ERIC is in the assembly hall, and he should be sitting down facing the stage now. Check whether he is.
7DC4 CP $85 0x85: Is ERIC sitting on the floor facing right?
7DC6 RET Z Return if so
7DC7 LD L,$FB HL=7FFB (ERIC's status flags)
7DC9 LD A,$07 0x07+0x3E=0x45: SIT FACING THE STAGE
7DCB BIT 2,(HL) Is ERIC sitting (facing left) or lying down?
7DCD JR Z,$7DE8 Tell ERIC to sit facing the stage if not (this is a bug)
7DCF JR $7DE4 Otherwise tell ERIC to sit down
This lesson takes place in a classroom, and ERIC is present. Check whether ERIC is sitting in a chair.
7DD1 LD A,($D200) A=ERIC's animatory state
7DD4 CP $04 0x04: Is ERIC sitting in a chair?
7DD6 RET Z Return if so
7DD7 LD L,$FB HL=7FFB (ERIC's status flags)
7DD9 BIT 2,(HL) Bit 2 is set if ERIC's sitting or lying on the floor
7DDB LD A,$04 0x04+0x3E=0x42: GET OFF THE FLOOR
7DDD JR NZ,$7DE8 Give lines if ERIC's sitting or lying on the floor
7DDF LD L,$80 HL=7F80 (various game status flags)
7DE1 BIT 7,(HL) Should ERIC be seated by now (bit 7 is set by F100)?
7DE3 RET Z Return if not
7DE4 LD A,$08 0x08+0x3E=0x46: NOW SIT DOWN
At this point, A holds the lines reprimand ID.
7DE8 AND A Is ERIC in a forbidden zone?
7DE9 JR NZ,$7E16 Jump if not
ERIC is somewhere he's never allowed to be.
7DEB LD L,$80 HL=7F80 (various game status flags)
7DED BIT 5,(HL) Is MISS TAKE chasing ERIC?
7DEF JR NZ,$7E15 Jump if so
7DF1 LD A,($7FE0) A=lesson descriptor
7DF4 CP $02 Is it PLAYTIME?
7DF6 JR Z,$7E15 Jump if so
7DF8 LD A,E A=ERIC's x-coordinate
7DF9 CP $A0 Is ERIC in the girls' skool?
7DFB JR C,$7E15 Jump if not
So it's not playtime, ERIC is in the girls' skool, and MISS TAKE is not (yet) chasing him out. Should she start?
7DFD LD HL,$CC02 Point HL at byte 0x02 of MISS TAKE's buffer
7E00 LD A,(HL) A=MISS TAKE's y-coordinate
7E01 CP D Are ERIC and MISS TAKE on the same floor?
7E02 JR NZ,$7E13 Jump if not
7E04 LD L,$1D Set bit 0 of byte 0x1D of MISS TAKE's character buffer, triggering a restart of her command list (set to 7E73 below)
7E06 SET 0,(HL)
7E08 DEC L Place the address of the command list at 7E73 into bytes 0x1B and 0x1C of MISS TAKE's buffer; this command list contains a single routine address: 7E75
7E09 LD (HL),$7E
7E0C LD (HL),$73
7E0E LD HL,$7F80 7F80 holds various game status flags
7E11 SET 5,(HL) Signal: MISS TAKE is chasing ERIC
7E13 LD H,$7F Point HL at the game status buffer page
Check how long it's been since ERIC last got lines.
7E16 LD L,$F7 HL=7FF7 (MSB of the lines-giving delay counter)
7E18 DEC (HL) Reset the zero flag if it's too soon for the teacher who gave ERIC lines last time to give him lines again
7E19 INC (HL)
This entry point is used by the routine at F862 with the zero flag set (meaning any teacher may give ERIC lines) and A holding a lines reprimand ID.
7E1A PUSH AF Save the lines reprimand ID and the zero flag
7E1D JR Z,$7E28 Jump if any teacher (including the one who gave him lines last time) can give ERIC lines now
It's too soon for the teacher who gave ERIC lines last time to give him lines again. Remove that teacher from lines-giving range temporarily.
7E1F LD L,$F5 Collect from 7FF5 into H the character number of the teacher who last gave ERIC lines
7E21 LD H,(HL)
7E22 LD L,$01 A=this teacher's x-coordinate
7E24 LD A,(HL)
7E25 LD (HL),$E0 Set this teacher's x-coordinate to 224 temporarily to take him out of lines-giving range
7E27 LD L,A Save the teacher's real x-coordinate in L
Now to find out which teacher (if any) should give ERIC lines.
7E29 CALL $6D62 Find the first adult within lines-giving range of ERIC
7E2D LD D,A D=character number of this adult, or 0 if there are none in range
7E2F LD B,A B=lines reprimand ID
7E30 JR Z,$7E36 Jump unless we need to restore the x-coordinate of the teacher who last gave ERIC lines
7E32 LD A,L Restore the x-coordinate of the teacher who last gave ERIC lines
7E33 LD L,$01
7E35 LD (HL),A
7E36 LD A,D A=character number of the adult who can see ERIC, or 0 if there are no adults in range
7E37 CP $CD Is it ALBERT (and therefore none of the teachers)?
7E39 RET Z Return if so (ALBERT doesn't give lines)
7E3A AND A Can any adult character see ERIC?
7E3B RET Z Return if not
A teacher is within lines-giving range.
7E3C LD HL,$7F80 7F80 holds various game status flags
7E3F BIT 1,(HL) Is MR WACKER chasing ERIC to expel him?
7E41 RET NZ Return if so
7E42 LD L,$F5 Store the character number of the lines-giver at 7FF5
7E44 LD (HL),A
7E45 LD L,$F7 Reset the MSB of the lines-giving delay counter at 7FF7 to 0x0A
7E47 LD (HL),$0A
7E49 LD A,B A=lines reprimand ID
7E4A CP $06 0x06+0x3E=0x44: GET ALONG NOW
7E4C JR NZ,$7E69 Jump unless ERIC is late for class, dinner or assembly
ERIC is late for class, dinner or assembly. The appropriate lines reprimand depends on who saw him: his teacher for this period, or some other teacher.
7E4E LD A,($7FE0) Collect the lesson descriptor from 7FE0
7E51 AND $F0 Keep only the bits relating to ERIC's teacher and shift them into bits 0-3
7E57 ADD A,$C7 Now A=character number of ERIC's teacher (0xC8-0xCB)
7E59 CP D Was it that teacher who saw ERIC?
7E5A JR NZ,$7E69 Jump if not
ERIC's teacher for this period is the lines-giver. His lines reprimand alternates between 'COME ALONG YOU MONSTER' and 'DON'T KEEP ME WAITING'.
7E5C LD L,$80 HL=7F80 (various game status flags)
7E5E LD A,$10 Set bit 4 in A
7E60 LD B,$09 0x09+0x3E=0x47: COME ALONG YOU MONSTER
7E62 XOR (HL) Flip bit 4 in 7F80, toggling between 0x47 and 0x48
7E63 LD (HL),A
7E64 BIT 4,(HL) Should ERIC's teacher say 'COME ALONG YOU MONSTER' this time (bit 4 set)?
7E66 JR NZ,$7E69 Jump if so
7E68 INC B 0x0A+0x3E=0x48: DON'T KEEP ME WAITING
At this point D holds the character number of the teacher who is going to give ERIC lines, and B holds the lines reprimand ID.
7E69 EX DE,HL Now H=character number of the lines-giver
7E6A LD A,B B=lines reprimand ID
7E6B ADD A,$3E
7E6E LD A,$D2 0xD2=ERIC (the lines recipient)
7E70 JP $7414 Make the teacher give lines to ERIC
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