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774F: Check whether a character is on the top, middle or bottom floor
Used by the routines at 775B, 77F2, E225, FA4D and FBA0. Returns with the zero flag set if and only if the character is exactly on the top, middle or bottom floor.
H Character number (0xCE, 0xCF, 0xD2, 0xD6)
774F LD L,$02 Byte 0x02 of the character's buffer holds his y-coordinate
7751 LD A,(HL) Pick this up in A
7752 CP $03 Is the character on the top floor?
7754 RET Z Return with the zero flag set if so
7755 CP $0A Is the character on the middle floor?
7757 RET Z Return with the zero flag set if so
7758 CP $11 Is the character on the bottom floor?
775A RET Return with the zero flag set if so
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