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663F: Knock the current occupant (if any) out of a chair
Used by the routines at 6697 and F3FC. Knocks the current occupant (if any) out of the chair next to the character looking for a seat.
H Number of the character looking for a seat (0xB7-0xD1)
663F LD D,$B7 0xB7=little girl no. 1
6641 LD L,$01
6643 LD BC,$1187 B=0x11 (7 girls, 10 boys), C=0x87 (animatory state mask)
6646 CALL $6621 Are any of these characters sitting in the chair?
6649 JR Z,$6667 Jump if so
664B LD BC,$0287 B=0x02 (EINSTEIN and HAYLEY), C=0x87 (animatory state mask)
6650 CALL $6618 Is one of the main kids sitting here?
6653 JR Z,$6667 Jump if so
6655 LD DE,$D212 D=0xD2 (ERIC), E=0x12
6658 INC B B=1 (just ERIC)
6659 XOR A Zero out byte 0x12 of ERIC's buffer (to indicate that he may be pushed out of the seat if he's in it)
665A LD (DE),A
665B CALL $6621 Is ERIC sitting here?
665E RET NZ Return if not
665F LD DE,$7FFB HL=7FFB (ERIC's primary status flags)
6662 EX DE,HL
6663 SET 7,(HL) Set bit 7 of ERIC's primary status flags, indicating that he's been knocked to the floor; however, bit 7 is ignored by the routine at F7AD (because bit 2 is also set), so ERIC actually stays in his seat (which is a bug)
6665 EX DE,HL Restore the number of the character looking for a seat to H
6666 RET
A character (other than ERIC) must be knocked out of the chair.
6667 LD A,$66 Place the address of the uninterruptible subcommand routine at 6670 into bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the buffer of the character who's been knocked out of the chair
6669 LD (DE),A
666A DEC E
666B LD A,$70
666D LD (DE),A
666E RET
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