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6618: Check whether a chair is occupied
Used by the routine at 663F. Returns with the zero flag set if the chair beside the character looking for a seat is already occupied by one of the potential occupants being checked.
B Number of potential occupants to check
C Animatory state mask (0x87 or 0x8F)
D Number of the first potential occupant to check
H Number of the character looking for a seat (0xB7-0xD1)
L 0x01
6618 CALL $6621 Are any of the first B potential occupants sitting here?
661B RET Z Return if so
661C LD BC,$028F B=0x02 (BOY WANDER and ANGELFACE), C=0x8F
This entry point also is used by the routine at 663F.
6621 LD E,$01
6623 LD A,(DE) A=x-coordinate of the potential occupant
6624 CP (HL) Compare with that of the character looking for a seat
6625 JR NZ,$663B Jump ahead to consider the next potential occupant if they don't match
6627 INC E E=0x02
6628 INC L L=0x02
6629 LD A,(DE) A=y-coordinate of the potential occupant
662A DEC E E=0x01
662B CP (HL) Compare with the y-coordinate of the character looking for a seat
662C DEC HL L=0x01
662D JR NZ,$663B Jump if the potential occupant is not in the same location as the character looking for a seat
662F DEC E E=0x00
6630 LD A,(DE) A=potential occupant's animatory state
6631 AND C Discard the character-identifying bits and keep only the 'direction' bit and 'action' bits (C=10001111 for BOY WANDER, ANGELFACE or ERIC, and 10000111 for anybody else)
6632 CP $04 Is the potential occupant sitting in the chair here?
6634 JR NZ,$663B Jump if not
6636 LD E,$12 Is there an uninterruptible subcommand routine address in bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the potential occupant's buffer?
6638 LD A,(DE)
6639 AND A
663A RET Z Return if not
663B INC D Next potential occupant to test
663C DJNZ $6621 Jump back until done
663E RET
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