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6697: Deal with a character who is looking for a seat
The address of this uninterruptible subcommand routine is placed into bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of a character's buffer by the routine at 667F (after he's been knocked out of his chair and just got up to look for another one - or the same one, in EINSTEIN's case), or by the routine at 66C0.
H Character number (0xB7-0xD1)
6697 LD L,$00 Byte 0x00 holds the character's animatory state
6699 BIT 0,(HL) Is the character midstride?
669B JP NZ,$63FD Finish the stride if so
669E CALL $65D4 Is the character standing beside a chair?
66A1 AND A
66A2 JR NZ,$66B5 Jump if not
66A4 CALL $663F Knock anybody who's sitting here out of the way
66A7 CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for the character's current animatory state and location
66AA AND $F8
66AC ADD A,$04 A=animatory state of the character (as if sitting in a chair)
66AE LD L,$12 Remove the address of this routine from bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the character's buffer
66B0 LD (HL),$00
66B2 JP $6130 Update the character's animatory state and update the SRB
66B5 CP $04 A=0x00 if the character must walk back to the rightmost chair in the room, or 0xFF if there is one in front of him
66B7 SBC A,A
66B8 LD L,$00 Byte 0x00 holds the character's animatory state
66BA XOR (HL) Reset the carry flag if the character must turn round
66BC JP $642E Update the character's animatory state and update the SRB
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