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Routines |
Prev: 65CE | Up: Map | Next: 6616 |
65D4 | LD L,$02 | Point HL at byte 0x02 of the character's buffer | ||||||||||||||||
65D6 | LD A,(HL) | A=character's y-coordinate | ||||||||||||||||
65D7 | LD DE,$D332 | The table at D332 contains the x-coordinates of the left ends of the classrooms | ||||||||||||||||
65DA | LD B,$03 | There are three sets of chairs on the top floor | ||||||||||||||||
65DC | CP B | Is the character on the top floor? | ||||||||||||||||
65DD | JR Z,$65E6 | Jump if so | ||||||||||||||||
65DF | DEC B | B=2 (two sets of chairs on the middle floor) | ||||||||||||||||
65E0 | CP $0A | Is the character on the middle floor? | ||||||||||||||||
65E2 | JR NZ,$65F5 | Jump if not | ||||||||||||||||
65E4 | LD E,$35 | DE=D335 | ||||||||||||||||
65E6 | DEC L | |||||||||||||||||
65E7 | LD A,(HL) | A=character's x-coordinate | ||||||||||||||||
65E8 | EX DE,HL | HL=D332 if the character is on the top floor, D335 if he's on the middle floor | ||||||||||||||||
65E9 | CP (HL) | Is the character to the left of this classroom? | ||||||||||||||||
65EA | JR C,$65F1 | Jump if so | ||||||||||||||||
65EC | INC H | Point HL at the x-coordinate of the right end of the classroom (in the table at D432) | ||||||||||||||||
65ED | CP (HL) | Is the character in this classroom? | ||||||||||||||||
65EE | JR C,$65F8 | Jump if so | ||||||||||||||||
65F0 | DEC H | |||||||||||||||||
65F1 | INC L | |||||||||||||||||
65F2 | DJNZ $65E9 | |||||||||||||||||
65F4 | EX DE,HL | |||||||||||||||||
65F5 | LD A,$FF | Signal: the character is not in a classroom | ||||||||||||||||
65F7 | RET | |||||||||||||||||
The character is in a classroom. But is he beside a chair?
65F8 | INC H | Point HL at the x-coordinate of the leftmost seat in the classroom (in the table at D532) | ||||||||||||||||
65F9 | CP (HL) | Is the character to the right of the leftmost chair? | ||||||||||||||||
65FA | JR NC,$6600 | Jump if so | ||||||||||||||||
65FC | LD A,$04 | Signal: the character must walk to the rightmost chair | ||||||||||||||||
65FE | EX DE,HL | |||||||||||||||||
65FF | RET | |||||||||||||||||
6600 | INC H | Point HL at the x-coordinate of the rightmost seat in the classroom (in the table at D632) | ||||||||||||||||
6601 | CP (HL) | Is the character to the left of the rightmost chair? | ||||||||||||||||
6602 | JR C,$6608 | Jump if so | ||||||||||||||||
6604 | LD A,$03 | Signal: the character must walk to the next chair to the left | ||||||||||||||||
6606 | EX DE,HL | |||||||||||||||||
6607 | RET | |||||||||||||||||
The character is between the leftmost and rightmost chairs in the classroom.
6608 | DEC E | E=0 | ||||||||||||||||
6609 | LD A,(DE) | A=character's animatory state | ||||||||||||||||
660A | INC E | E=1 | ||||||||||||||||
660B | RLCA | |||||||||||||||||
660C | JR C,$65FC | Jump if the character is facing right | ||||||||||||||||
660E | LD A,(DE) | A=character's x-coordinate | ||||||||||||||||
660F | XOR (HL) | The chairs in a classroom have either all odd or all even x-coordinates; is the character standing beside one? | ||||||||||||||||
6610 | RRCA | |||||||||||||||||
6611 | JR NC,$6604 | Jump if not | ||||||||||||||||
6613 | EX DE,HL | |||||||||||||||||
6614 | XOR A | Signal: the character is facing left and standing beside a chair | ||||||||||||||||
6615 | RET | |||||||||||||||||
Prev: 65CE | Up: Map | Next: 6616 |