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38455: Draw Willy to the screen buffer at 24576
Used by the routine at 38344.
B y-coordinate offset (0, 4, 8 or 12)
38455 LD A,(34255) Pick up Willy's y-coordinate from 34255
38458 ADD A,B Add the y-coordinate offset (to get Willy's true y-coordinate if he's standing on a ramp)
38459 LD IXh,130 Point IX at the entry in the screen buffer address lookup table at 33280 that corresponds to Willy's y-coordinate
38462 LD IXl,A
38464 LD A,(34256) Pick up Willy's direction and movement flags from 34256
38467 AND 1 Now E=0 if Willy is facing right, or 128 if he's facing left
38469 RRCA
38470 LD E,A
38471 LD A,(34258) Pick up Willy's animation frame (0-3) from 34258
38474 AND 3 Point DE at the sprite graphic data for Willy's current animation frame (see 40192)
38476 RRCA
38477 RRCA
38478 RRCA
38479 OR E
38480 LD E,A
38481 LD D,157
38483 LD A,(33824) Pick up the number of the current room from 33824
38486 CP 29 Are we in the The Nightmare Room?
38488 JR NZ,38496 Jump if not
38490 LD D,182 Point DE at the graphic data for the flying pig sprite (46592+E)
38492 LD A,E
38493 XOR 128
38495 LD E,A
38496 LD B,16 There are 16 rows of pixels to copy
38498 LD A,(34259) Pick up Willy's screen x-coordinate (0-31) from 34259
38501 AND 31
38503 LD C,A Copy it to C
This entry point is used by the routine at 38298 to draw the toilet in The Bathroom.
38504 LD A,(IX+0) Set HL to the address in the screen buffer at 24576 that corresponds to where we are going to draw the next pixel row of the sprite graphic
38507 LD H,(IX+1)
38510 OR C
38511 LD L,A
38512 LD A,(DE) Pick up a sprite graphic byte
38513 OR (HL) Merge it with the background
38514 LD (HL),A Save the resultant byte to the screen buffer
38515 INC HL Move HL along to the next cell to the right
38516 INC DE Point DE at the next sprite graphic byte
38517 LD A,(DE) Pick it up in A
38518 OR (HL) Merge it with the background
38519 LD (HL),A Save the resultant byte to the screen buffer
38520 INC IX Point IX at the next entry in the screen buffer address lookup table at 33280
38522 INC IX
38524 INC DE Point DE at the next sprite graphic byte
38525 DJNZ 38504 Jump back until all 16 rows of pixels have been drawn
38527 RET
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