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802F: Load the next code block
Continues from 5DF7 (to load the fast code block) and 8116 (to load the standard speed code block).
802F LD SP,$80FC Put the stack somewhere safe
8032 LD IX,$81AB The fast code block loads backwards from address 81AB; after the fast code block has loaded, this instruction is changed to 'LD IX,$4000' for the standard speed code block
8036 LD DE,$C000 Set DE (the byte counter) to a high enough value that it won't reach 0 before (a) 241 bytes have been loaded from the fast code block, or (b) the first 16572 bytes (4000-80BB) have been loaded from the standard speed code block
8039 LD A,$FF We expect the first byte loaded (the flag byte) to be 0xFF
803B SCF In the analogous ROM routine, setting the carry flag would indicate that we want to LOAD rather than VERIFY; here, this flag is not used
803C INC D Reset the zero flag, indicating that we haven't loaded the first byte of the data block (the flag byte) yet
803D EX AF,AF' Save these flags
803E DEC D Restore the value of DE
803F DI Disable interrupts
8040 LD A,$0F BORDER 7
8042 OUT ($FE),A
8044 IN A,($FE) Collect an initial EAR port reading into bit 6 of A
8046 RRA Move it to bit 5 of A
8047 AND $20 Clear the extraneous bits (0-4 and 6-7)
8049 OR $02 The border will turn red when the first edge is found
804B LD C,A C will hold the border colour
804C CP A Set the zero flag to avoid returning at the next instruction
804D RET NZ In the analogous ROM routine, this instruction would return if the BREAK key is being pressed; here, the zero flag is always set
804E CALL $800F Listen for an edge
8051 JR NC,$804D Jump back to listen again if no edge was found within the time limit
An edge was found. Wait a bit and then listen again.
8053 LD HL,$0415 Wait for about one second
8056 DJNZ $8056
8058 DEC HL
8059 LD A,H
805A OR L
805B JR NZ,$8056
805D CALL $8000 Are the edges still coming?
8060 JR NC,$804D Jump back if not
Check whether the signal is a leader tone.
8062 LD B,$9C 256 double edges arriving within a specific time limit constitute a valid leader tone
8064 CALL $8000
8067 JR NC,$804D
8069 LD A,$C6
806B CP B
806C JR NC,$804E
806E INC H
806F JR NZ,$8062
This looks like a leader tone. Now listen for the first edge of the data block.
8071 LD B,$C9 Is the leader tone still there?
8073 CALL $800F
8076 JR NC,$804D Jump back if not
8078 LD A,B Have we found the first edge of the data block?
8079 CP $D4
807B JR NC,$8071 Jump back if not
The first edge of the data block has been detected.
807D CALL $800F Look for the second edge of the data block
8080 RET NC Reset the Spectrum if it can't be found
Prepare to load the data block.
8081 LD A,C The border will alternate between blue and yellow for the data block
8082 XOR $03
8084 LD C,A
8085 LD H,$00 Initialise the parity byte to 0
8087 LD B,$E1 Set the timing constant for the flag byte; after the fast code block has loaded, this instruction is changed to 'LD B,$B0' for the standard speed code block
8089 JR $80A5 Jump forward to load the flag byte
This is the byte-loading loop. The first byte loaded is the flag byte.
808B NOP
808C NOP
808D EX AF,AF' Restore the flags
808E JR NZ,$8095 Jump if the first byte (the flag byte) has just been collected
8090 LD (IX+$00),L Load the byte read from tape into memory
8093 JR $809F
8095 RL C Save the carry flag in bit 0 of C temporarily
8097 XOR L L=first byte of the data block (the flag byte)
8098 RET NZ Reset the Spectrum if it wasn't 0xFF
8099 LD A,C Restore the carry flag
809A RRA
809B LD C,A Restore C
809C INC DE Compensate for the 'DEC DE' below
809D JR $80A1 Jump forward to start loading bytes into memory
809F DEC IX IX=next address to load the byte from tape into; after the fast code block has loaded, this instruction is changed to 'INC IX' for the standard speed code block
80A1 DEC DE Decrease the byte counter
80A2 EX AF,AF' Save the flags (the zero flag is now set)
80A3 LD B,$E3 Set the timing constant; after the fast code block has loaded, this instruction is changed to 'LD B,$B2' for the standard speed code block
80A5 LD L,$01 Get ready to load eight bits from the tape
80A7 CALL $8000 Load one bit from the tape
80AA RET NC Reset the Spectrum if there was a loading error
80AB LD A,$ED Set the carry flag if a '1' was read from the tape, or reset it if a '0' was read; after the fast code block has loaded, the 'LD A,$ED' instruction is changed to 'LD A,$CB' for the standard speed code block
80AE RL L Move the bit into the L register
80B0 LD B,$E1 Set the timing constant for the next bit; after the fast code block has loaded, this instruction is changed to 'LD B,$B0' for the standard speed code block
80B2 JP NC,$80A7 Jump unless eight bits have been loaded
A full byte has just been read from the tape.
80B5 LD A,H Update the (ultimately unused) parity byte against the byte just read from the tape
80B6 XOR L
80B7 LD H,A
80B8 LD A,D Set the zero flag if the the byte counter has reached 0 (which never happens)
80B9 OR E
80BA JR NZ,$808B Jump back to load another byte from the tape
When the bytes from 81AB downwards to 80BB have loaded from the fast code block, the instruction at 80BA above becomes:
80BA JR NZ,$80BC
And the code continues at 80BC.
When the bytes from 4000 to 80BB have loaded from the standard speed code block, the instruction at 80BA becomes:
80BA JR NZ,$807A
At this stage, 807A reads as follows:
807A LD (IX+$14),L Load the byte read from tape into memory
807D EXX
807E ADD IX,BC Add 247 to IX
8080 EXX
8081 JR NC,$8085 Jump unless IX was incremented beyond FFFF
8083 LD IXh,$7F Reset IX to the appropriate range
8086 JR $80A3 Jump forward to load the next byte from tape
Now 32890 more bytes are loaded, the first at 81C7 and the last at 8086 (even though there is one more byte, 817D, left on the tape: see the save routine). Then 8086 reads as follows:
8086 LD SP,$5D1B Point the stack pointer at the game start address that was placed at 5D1B by the save routine
8089 LD D,H
808A RET To ($5D1B)=81C8
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