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FE58: Command list: Front door duty at no. 74
Used by character 0xD7 (see FEB4).
FE58 DEFW $F600 Go to...
FE5A DEFB $35,$0D ...the top floor of no. 74
FE5C DEFW $F748 Walk up and down for a while and then skip over the next two commands unless somebody knocks on the door to no. 74
FE60 DEFW $F600 Go to...
FE62 DEFB $2B,$1F ...the door to no. 74
FE64 DEFW $F7BF Open the door
FE66 DEFW $F600 Go to...
FE68 DEFB $28,$1F ...the first floor of no. 74 (just left of the door)
FE6A DEFW $F748 Walk up and down for a while and then skip over the next two commands unless somebody knocks on the door to no. 74
FE6E DEFW $F600 Go to...
FE70 DEFB $2B,$1F ...the door to no. 74
FE72 DEFW $F7BF Open the door
FE74 DEFW $F6DE Restart the command list
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