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Routines |
Prev: 6219 | Up: Map | Next: 62DA |
The address of this interruptible subcommand routine is placed into bytes 0x0E and 0x0F of the sniper's buffer by the routine at 62DB. It controls the sniper from the moment he appears until he hides again.
621E | LD L,$02 | A=sniper's y-coordinate | ||||||
6220 | LD A,(HL) | |||||||
6221 | LD L,$11 | Point HL at byte 0x11 of the sniper's buffer | ||||||
6223 | INC (HL) | Is it zero (meaning the sniper has not fired recently)? | ||||||
6224 | DEC (HL) | |||||||
6225 | JR Z,$6228 | Jump if so | ||||||
6227 | DEC (HL) | Otherwise decrement byte 0x11 | ||||||
6228 | DEC L | L=0x10 | ||||||
6229 | CP $32 | The sniper's y-coordinate is 50 when he's inactive | ||||||
622B | JR NZ,$6250 | Jump if the sniper is currently active | ||||||
The sniper is currently inactive.
622D | DEC (HL) | Decrement byte 0x10 of the sniper's buffer | ||||||
622E | JP Z,$F284 | Terminate this subcommand if byte 0x10 is now 0 | ||||||
6231 | CALL $66D8 | Is the sniper on screen at least 8 x-coordinates away from Sam? | ||||||
6234 | NOP | |||||||
6235 | JP NZ,$F284 | Terminate this subcommand if not | ||||||
6238 | INC L | Point HL at byte 0x02 of the sniper's buffer | ||||||
6239 | LD (HL),$25 | Set the sniper's y-coordinate to 37 (out of sight, but ready to emerge) | ||||||
623B | LD A,($E601) | A=Sam's x-coordinate | ||||||
623E | DEC L | L=0x01 | ||||||
623F | SUB (HL) | Subtract the sniper's x-coordinate | ||||||
6240 | CCF | Compute the appropriate animatory state for the sniper: 0x36 if he's to the right of Sam, 0xB6 if he's to the left | ||||||
6241 | LD A,$6C | |||||||
6243 | RRA | |||||||
6244 | DEC HL | Set the sniper's animatory state | ||||||
6245 | LD (HL),A | |||||||
This entry point is used by the routine at 6FE6.
6246 | LD L,$02 | Collect the sniper's x- and y-coordinates in DE | ||||||
6248 | LD D,(HL) | |||||||
6249 | DEC HL | |||||||
624A | LD E,(HL) | |||||||
624B | DEC HL | A=sniper's animatory state | ||||||
624C | LD A,(HL) | |||||||
624D | JP $6670 | Update the sniper's sprite tile references | ||||||
The sniper is currently active (his y-coordinate is 34-37).
6250 | LD A,($DEB6) | Collect the sprite tile reference for tile 7 of animatory states 0x36/0xB6; this will be 0xEB if the sniper is firing, or 0x00, 0x6E, 0x6F or 0x71 otherwise | ||||||
6253 | CP H | Is the sniper firing? | ||||||
6254 | JP NC,$6FE6 | If so, make the firing sound effect | ||||||
6257 | LD A,($7FFF) | A=y-coordinate of the topmost row of the play area on screen | ||||||
625A | CP $14 | Is the sidewalk on screen? | ||||||
625C | JR NZ,$6269 | If not, deactivate the sniper and terminate this subcommand | ||||||
625E | DEC (HL) | Decrement byte 0x10 of the sniper's buffer | ||||||
625F | JR NZ,$627A | Jump unless byte 0x10 is now zero | ||||||
Byte 0x10 of the sniper's buffer has been decremented to zero. The apparent intention here is to make the sniper duck out of sight and terminate this subcommand; however, if the sniper is not already out of sight, he will duck briefly but remain in view, and byte 0x10 will be decremented to 0xFF on the next pass through this routine. This is a bug.
6261 | CALL $E9C8 | Update the SRB for the sniper's current animatory state and location | ||||||
6264 | LD A,D | A=sniper's y-coordinate | ||||||
6265 | CP $25 | Is the sniper currently out of sight? | ||||||
6267 | JR NZ,$6272 | Jump if not to make him duck | ||||||
6269 | LD L,$0F | Remove the address of this routine from bytes 0x0E and 0x0F of the sniper's buffer | ||||||
626B | LD (HL),$00 | |||||||
626D | LD L,$02 | Set the sniper's y-coordinate to 50 (inactive) | ||||||
626F | LD (HL),$32 | |||||||
6271 | RET | |||||||
The sniper is in the process of ducking.
6272 | INC D | D=sniper's next y-coordinate (35-37) | ||||||
6273 | LD L,$00 | Point HL at byte 0x00 of the sniper's buffer | ||||||
6275 | LD A,(HL) | A=sniper's animatory state | ||||||
6276 | AND A | Reset the carry flag to indicate that the sniper is not firing | ||||||
6277 | JP $6670 | Update the sniper's sprite tile references | ||||||
Byte 16 of the sniper's buffer is not zero.
627A | CALL $66D8 | Compare the sniper's coordinates with Sam's | ||||||
627D | JR Z,$628B | Jump if the sniper is on screen and at least 8 x-coordinates away from Sam | ||||||
627F | JR NC,$6269 | Terminate this subcommand if the sniper if off screen | ||||||
6281 | CALL $E9C8 | Update the SRB for the sniper's current animatory state and location | ||||||
6284 | LD A,D | A=sniper's y-coordinate | ||||||
6285 | CP $25 | Has the sniper already ducked out of sight? | ||||||
6287 | JR NZ,$6272 | Jump if not to make the sniper continue ducking | ||||||
6289 | JR $626D | Deactivate the sniper | ||||||
The sniper is on screen and at least 8 x-coordinates away from Sam. If he's already popped his head out far enough (his y-coordinate is 34 or 35), he can consider shooting; otherwise he'll need to emerge a little further first.
628B | LD L,$02 | Point HL at byte 0x02 of the sniper's buffer | ||||||
628D | LD A,(HL) | A=sniper's y-coordinate | ||||||
628E | CP $24 | Is at least half of the sniper visible? | ||||||
6290 | JR C,$6298 | Jump if so | ||||||
6292 | CALL $E9C8 | Update the SRB for the sniper's current animatory state and location | ||||||
6295 | DEC D | D=sniper's next y-coordinate (35 or 36) | ||||||
6296 | JR $6276 | Jump back to update the sniper's sprite tile references | ||||||
At least half of the sniper is visible (his y-coordinate is 34 or 35), which means he can shoot.
6298 | LD L,$10 | Collect byte 0x10 of the sniper's buffer | ||||||
629A | LD A,(HL) | |||||||
629B | AND $03 | Is bit 0 or bit 1 set? | ||||||
629D | JR NZ,$62AF | Jump if so | ||||||
629F | CALL $F17F | Get a random number in A | ||||||
62A2 | CP $A0 | Should the sniper consider shooting? | ||||||
62A4 | JR C,$62AF | Jump if so (5 times out of 8) | ||||||
62A6 | CALL $E9C8 | Update the SRB for the sniper's current animatory state and location | ||||||
62A9 | LD A,D | A=sniper's y-coordinate (34 or 35) | ||||||
62AA | XOR $01 | Toggle between 34 and 35 | ||||||
62AC | LD D,A | D=sniper's next y-coordinate (35 or 34) | ||||||
62AD | JR $6273 | Jump back to update the sniper's sprite tile references | ||||||
The sniper will consider shooting.
62AF | LD A,($E604) | A=Sam's z-coordinate | ||||||
62B2 | RRCA | Is Sam indoors? | ||||||
62B3 | RET C | Return if so | ||||||
62B4 | LD A,($7FFC) | Collect Sam's status flags from 7FFC | ||||||
62B7 | AND $81 | Is Sam falling from a building or being carried? | ||||||
62B9 | RET NZ | Return if so | ||||||
62BA | LD L,$11 | Collect byte 0x11 of the sniper's buffer | ||||||
62BC | LD A,(HL) | |||||||
62BD | AND A | Has the sniper fired recently? | ||||||
62BE | RET NZ | Return if so | ||||||
62BF | CALL $F17F | Get a random number in A | ||||||
62C2 | CP $54 | Should the sniper continue to consider shooting? | ||||||
62C4 | RET NC | Return if not (21 times out of 64) | ||||||
62C5 | LD DE,$7FC2 | Point DE at the third byte of bullet buffer 1 (at 7FC0) | ||||||
62C8 | LD A,(DE) | Pick this up in A | ||||||
62C9 | AND A | Is bullet buffer 1 in use? | ||||||
62CA | JR Z,$62D1 | Jump if not | ||||||
62CC | LD E,$C6 | Point DE at the third byte of bullet buffer 2 (at 7FC4) | ||||||
62CE | LD A,(DE) | Pick this up in A | ||||||
62CF | AND A | Is bullet buffer 2 in use? | ||||||
62D0 | RET NZ | Return if so | ||||||
The sniper has decided to shoot, and a bullet buffer is available.
62D1 | LD (HL),$0C | Place 0x0C into byte 0x11 of the sniper's buffer (indicating that he's just fired) | ||||||
62D3 | CALL $E9C8 | Update the SRB for the sniper's current animatory state and location | ||||||
62D6 | SCF | Set the carry flag to indicate that the sniper is firing | ||||||
62D7 | JP $6670 | Update the sniper's sprite tile references and initialise a bullet |
Prev: 6219 | Up: Map | Next: 62DA |