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60641: 'O' pressed - left
The address of this routine is found in the table of keypress handling routines at 60672. It is called from the main loop at 61483 when 'O' is pressed.
H 230 (Sam)
60641 CALL 60347 Move Sam left (or in the next best direction) if possible
This entry point is used by the routines at 60626, 60631 and 60636.
60644 RET NC Return if Sam could not move in the desired direction
60645 LD A,(32765) Collect the offset of the last key pressed from 32765
60648 BIT 3,A Set the zero flag if a 'fast' key (upper case Q, A, O or P) was pressed
60650 LD B,4 4=fast
60652 JR Z,60656 Jump if a 'fast' key was pressed
This entry point is used by the routines at 28635, 30458, 31204 and 62192.
60654 LD B,8 8=slow
60656 CALL 60521 Make a sound effect
60659 LD L,7 Point HL at byte 7 of Sam's buffer
60661 LD A,(HL) A=0 if Sam is neither midstride nor mid-action now
60662 INC L Set Sam's main action timer in byte 8 of his buffer to either 4 (fast) or 8 (slow)
60663 LD (HL),B
60664 AND A Is Sam midstride or mid-action?
60665 RET Z Return if not
60666 INC L Set Sam's midstride/mid-action timer in byte 9 of his buffer to either 4 (fast) or 8 (slow)
60667 LD (HL),B
60668 RET
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