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Routines |
Prev: 7154 | Up: Map | Next: 717A |
Used by the routine at 6E9B. Impedes ERIC's progress if ALBERT is standing right in front of him with his arm up.
7166 | LD A,($D200) | A=ERIC's animatory state | ||||||
7169 | RLCA | Is ERIC facing left? | ||||||
716A | RET NC | Return if so | ||||||
716B | LD A,($CD00) | A=ALBERT's animatory state | ||||||
716E | CP $7F | 0x7F: Is ALBERT facing left with his arm up? | ||||||
7170 | RET NZ | Return if not | ||||||
7171 | LD A,($CD01) | A=ALBERT's x-coordinate | ||||||
7174 | SUB $01 | |||||||
7176 | CP E | Is ERIC standing in front of ALBERT (facing him)? | ||||||
7177 | RET NZ | Return if not | ||||||
7178 | POP BC | Drop the return address, preventing any forward movement by ERIC | ||||||
7179 | RET | Return to the main loop |
Prev: 7154 | Up: Map | Next: 717A |