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FDB3: Command list 0xCC: Stampede - leader
Used only by little boy no. 1 in lessons 0xFC and 0xFD.
FDB3 DEFW $6B3D Walk up and down...
FDB5 DEFB $28,$00 ...40 times
FDB7 DEFW $6B58 Signal that...
FDB9 DEFB $10 ...little boy no. 1 is ready
FDBA DEFW $6A6E Go somewhere and trip people up on the way
FDBC DEFW $6B54 Unsignal that...
FDBE DEFB $10 ...little boy no. 1 is ready
FDBF DEFW $6B3D Walk up and down...
FDC1 DEFB $28,$00 ...40 times
FDC3 DEFW $6B58 Signal that...
FDC5 DEFB $11 ...little boy no. 1 is ready again
FDC6 DEFW $6A6E Go somewhere and trip people up on the way
FDC8 DEFW $6B54 Unsignal that...
FDCA DEFB $11 ...little boy no. 1 is ready again
FDCB DEFW $7C47 Restart the command list
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