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6B3D: Make a character walk up and down a few times or until a certain time
Used by command lists 0xB6, 0xC0, 0xC2, 0xC4 and 0xCC to make a character walk about a fixed location until a specified time, or until a certain number of walkabouts have been performed.
H Character number (0x98-0xA9)
L 0x7A
6B3D LD A,(HL) Reset bits 5 and 6 of byte 0x7A of the character's buffer, indicating that he should no longer walk fast or slow continuously (if he was doing so)
6B3E AND $9F
6B40 LD (HL),A
6B41 LD L,$63 Replace the address of this routine in bytes 0x63 and 0x64 of the character's buffer with that of 6B32
6B43 LD (HL),$32
6B45 LD L,$67 Collect the next byte (the number of walkabouts) from the command list and place it in byte 0x67 of the character's buffer
6B47 CALL $618C
6B4A LD (HL),A
6B4B LD L,$65 Collect the next byte (the signal byte - always 0) from the command list and place it in byte 0x65 of the character's buffer
6B4D CALL $618C
6B50 LD (HL),A
6B51 JP $62E5 Send the character on his first mini-walkabout
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