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6500: Move ERIC from the midstride position and scroll the screen if necessary
Called from the main loop at 6767 when ERIC is midstride.
6500 LD HL,$7FE9 Set ERIC's midstride action timer at 7FE9 to 0 to indicate that ERIC will no longer be midstride after this movement
6503 LD A,(HL)
6504 LD (HL),$00
6506 DEC L Set ERIC's main action timer at 7FE8 equal to the previous contents of 7FE9
6507 LD (HL),A
6508 LD HL,$AC63 Point HL at byte 0x63 of ERIC's buffer
650B CALL $6214 Update the SRB for ERIC's current location
650E LD L,$63 Pick up ERIC's next animatory state in A (from byte 0x63 of his buffer) and his next location in DE (from bytes 0x64 and 0x65)
6510 LD A,(HL)
6511 INC L
6512 LD D,(HL)
6513 INC L
6514 LD E,(HL)
6515 CALL $61B0 Update ERIC's animatory state and location and update the SRB
6518 CALL $6992 Update the display
651B CALL $FE52 Make a walking sound effect
Decide whether the screen should be scrolled left or right.
651E LD HL,$AC60 Point HL at byte 0x60 of ERIC's buffer
6521 LD A,($7F00) A=X: leftmost column of the skool on screen (0-64)
6524 BIT 7,(HL) Is ERIC facing left?
6526 LD L,$62
6528 JR Z,$6533 Jump if so
652A CP $40 Is the far right end of the skool on screen?
652C RET Z Return if so
652D SUB (HL) A=X-x (x=ERIC's x-coordinate)
652E CP $EA Is ERIC's screen x-coordinate 22?
6530 RET NZ Return if not
6531 JR $64DC Otherwise scroll the screen left 8 columns
6533 AND A Is the far left end of the skool on screen (X=0)?
6534 RET Z Return if so
6535 SUB (HL) A=X-x (x=ERIC's x-coordinate)
6536 CP $F7 Is ERIC's screen x-coordinate 9?
6538 RET NZ Return if not
6539 JP $64D2 Otherwise scroll the screen right 8 columns
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