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30890: Make a teacher give lines to the closest main kid
Used by the routine at 27196. Makes a teacher who has been knocked over give lines to the closest main kid (if any).
H Teacher's character number (163-166)
30890 PUSH HL
30891 LD A,(32763) Copy ERIC's status flags from 32763 to A
30894 LD HL,44130 Pick up ERIC's coordinates in DE
30897 LD E,(HL)
30898 DEC L
30899 LD D,(HL)
30900 LD BC,910 B=3 (number of main kids besides ERIC), C=LSB of 32654
30903 BIT 2,A Is ERIC jumping?
30905 JR Z,30924 Jump if not
30907 LD A,D A=ERIC's y-coordinate
30908 LD D,155 This is the y-coordinate of the top floor
30910 CP 156 Is ERIC jumping on the top floor?
30912 JR C,30927 Jump if so
30914 LD D,162 This is the y-coordinate of the middle floor
30916 CP 163 Is ERIC jumping on the middle floor?
30918 JR C,30927 Jump if so
30920 LD D,169 This is the y-coordinate of the bottom floor
30922 JR 30927
30924 CALL 28310 Get the floor nearest ERIC (155, 162, 169) in D
30927 LD (32652),DE Store ERIC's normalised coordinates in 32652
Here we enter a loop that calculates BOY WANDER's, ANGELFACE's and EINSTEIN's normalised coordinates and stores them in 32654, 32656 and 32658 respectively. (If a character's coordinates are (x, y), then his normalised coordinates are (x, Y), where Y=155, 162, 169, i.e. the y-coordinate of the floor he is closest to.)
30931 LD H,167 167=BOY WANDER
30933 CALL 28304 D=floor nearest the kid (155, 162, 169)
30936 LD L,C L=142, 144 or 146
30937 LD A,H Store the kid's character number in A temporarily
30938 LD H,127 HL=32654, 32656 or 32658
30940 LD (HL),E Store the kid's normalised coordinates here
30941 INC L
30942 LD (HL),D
30943 INC L Point HL at the next normalised coordinates slot
30944 LD C,L Save L in C temporarily
30945 LD H,A Restore the kid's character number (167-169) to H
30946 INC H Next kid
30947 DJNZ 30933 Jump back until the three main kids have been done
30949 POP HL Restore the teacher's character number (163-166) to H
30950 PUSH HL
30951 LD L,98 Pick up the teacher's coordinates in DE
30953 LD E,(HL)
30954 DEC L
30955 LD D,(HL)
30956 CALL 28327 Get the lower and upper limits of the teacher's visibility range in C and B
Now we enter a loop to calculate the distance of each main kid from the teacher.
30959 LD HL,32659 Point HL at EINSTEIN's normalised y-coordinate
30962 LD A,4 There are four main kids to check
30964 PUSH AF
30965 LD A,(HL) Pick up a kid's normalised y-coordinate
30966 DEC HL Point HL at the kid's x-coordinate
30967 CP D Compare the normalised y-coordinate with the teacher's y-coordinate
30968 LD A,(HL) A=kid's x-coordinate
30969 LD (HL),255 Default assumption: kid and teacher are on different floors
30971 JR NZ,30987 Jump unless the kid's normalised y-coordinate matches the teacher's y-coordinate
30973 CP B Jump forward if the teacher cannot see the kid
30974 JR Z,30978
30976 JR NC,30987
30978 CP C
30979 JR C,30987
30981 SUB E A=distance between the teacher and the kid (possibly < 0)
30982 JR NC,30986 Jump if the kid is to the right of the teacher (A>=0)
30984 NEG
30986 LD (HL),A Store the absolute distance between the teacher and the kid (if they are close to each other)
30987 DEC HL Point HL at the normalised y-coordinate of the next main kid and jump back until all four have been checked
30988 POP AF
30989 DEC A
30990 JR NZ,30964
Finally, we enter a loop to determine which main kid (if any) is closest to the teacher.
30992 INC HL HL=32652 (holding ERIC's distance from the teacher)
30993 LD B,4 There are four main kids to consider
30995 LD A,255 255 was used to signal that the kid was not on the same floor as the teacher
30997 CP (HL) When this loop is finished, A will hold the distance between the teacher and the closest main kid (or 255 if none of the kids were nearby)
30998 JR C,31001
31000 LD A,(HL)
31001 INC HL
31002 INC HL
31003 DJNZ 30997
31005 INC A Were any of the main kids close to the teacher?
31006 JR NZ,31010 Jump if so
31008 POP HL Restore the teacher's character number to H
31009 RET
So at least one of the main kids is within range. Which one will get lines?
31010 DEC A A=distance between the teacher and the nearest kid
31011 LD L,140 HL=32652 (holding ERIC's distance from the teacher)
31013 INC D D=teacher's y-coordinate + 1
31014 LD BC,2220 B=8 (NOW DON'T DO IT AGAIN), C=172 (ERIC)
31017 CP (HL) Is ERIC closest to the teacher?
31018 JR Z,31028 Jump if so
31020 LD C,166 On exit from this loop, C will hold 167 (BOY WANDER), 168 (ANGELFACE), or 169 (EINSTEIN)
31022 INC C
31023 INC L
31024 INC L
31025 CP (HL)
31026 JR NZ,31022
31028 LD A,C A=character number of the kid closest to the teacher
31029 CALL 30464 Give lines to the kid who is closest to the teacher
31032 POP HL Restore the teacher's character number to H
31033 RET
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