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F7CD: Open a door
Used by the routine at F2A8. Updates the play area graphics and screen refresh buffer (SRB) for a door so that it appears open.
HL Address of the door status flags (see 7FF0)
F7CD PUSH HL Save the address of the door status flags
F7CE LD A,L A=0xF0-0xF9
F7CF SUB $46 Point HL at the door knock status flags for the door (see 7FAA)
F7D2 LD A,(HL) Reset the door knock status flags
F7D3 AND $3F
F7D5 LD (HL),A
F7D6 POP HL Restore the address of the door status flags to HL
F7D7 JP $F100 Update the play area graphics and the SRB for the door
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