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6E1A: Print a number
Used by the routines at 6E87, 6EB1 and 7058. Computes the ASCII codes for the digits of the number in HL, stores them in the buffer at 7FCA, and then prints them.
DE Display file address
HL Number to print
6E1A PUSH DE Save the display file address
6E1B EX DE,HL Transfer the number to print to DE
6E1C LD HL,$7FCF Fill the number string buffer at 7FCA with space characters
6E1F LD B,$05
6E21 DEC L
6E22 LD (HL),$20
6E24 DJNZ $6E21
6E26 LD A,$30 0x30 is the ASCII code for the digit '0'
6E28 LD BC,$D8F0 BC=-10000
6E2B EX DE,HL Transfer the number to print to HL
6E2C ADD HL,BC Is HL>=10000?
6E2D JR C,$6E4B Jump if so to compute and store the 10000s digit
6E2F INC E Point DE at the slot for the 1000s digit in the number string buffer
6E30 SBC HL,BC Add the 10000 back
6E32 LD BC,$FC18 BC=-1000
6E35 ADD HL,BC Is HL>=1000?
6E36 JR C,$6E58 Jump if so to compute and store the 1000s digit
6E38 INC E Point DE at the slot for the 100s digit in the number string buffer
6E39 SBC HL,BC Add the 1000 back
6E3B LD BC,$FF9C BC=-100
6E3E ADD HL,BC Is HL>=100?
6E3F JR C,$6E65 Jump if so to compute and store the 100s digit
6E41 INC E Point DE at the slot for the 10s digit in the number string buffer
6E42 SBC HL,BC Add the 100 back
6E44 LD C,$F6 BC=-10
6E46 ADD HL,BC Is HL>=10?
6E47 JR C,$6E71 Jump if so to compute and store the 10s digit
6E49 JR $6E78 Jump forward to compute and store the units digit
Compute and store the 10000s digit.
6E4B INC A Get the ASCII code for the 10000s digit in A
6E4D JR C,$6E4B
6E4F LD (DE),A Place the 10000s digit into the number string buffer
6E52 INC E Point DE at the slot for the 1000s digit
6E53 LD A,$2F
6E55 LD BC,$FC18 BC=-1000
Compute and store the 1000s digit.
6E58 INC A Get the ASCII code for the 1000s digit in A
6E5A JR C,$6E58
6E5C LD (DE),A Place the 1000s digit into the number string buffer
6E5D LD A,$2F
6E61 LD BC,$FF9C BC=-100
6E64 INC E Point DE at the slot for the 100s digit
Compute and store the 100s digit.
6E65 INC A Get the ASCII code for the 100s digit in A
6E67 JR C,$6E65
6E69 LD (DE),A Place the 100s digit into the number string buffer
6E6A LD A,$2F
6E6E LD C,$F6 BC=-10
6E70 INC E Point DE at the slot for the 10s digit
Compute and store the 10s digit.
6E71 INC A Get the ASCII code for the 10s digit in A
6E73 JR C,$6E71
6E75 LD (DE),A Place the 10s digit into the number string buffer
6E76 LD A,$30
Compute and store the units digit.
6E7A INC E Point DE at the slot for the units digit
6E7B ADD A,L A=ASCII code for the units digit
6E7C LD (DE),A Place it into the number string buffer
The number string buffer is now ready.
6E7D LD E,$CA DE=7FCA (start of the number string buffer)
6E7F POP HL Restore the display file address to HL
6E80 EX DE,HL Transfer it to DE, and point HL at the number string buffer at 7FCA
6E81 JP $6E00 Print the number
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