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30053: Make the cash bonus/key sound effect
Used by the routine at 30211.
A 2 (initial border colour)
C 144 (pitch)
DE 509 (duration)
H 20 (repetitions)
L 6 (border XOR value)
30053 PUSH DE Save the duration
30054 XOR L Toggle the border colour between 2 (red) and 4 (green)
30055 CALL 64740 Make a mini-sound effect
30058 LD B,A Save the border colour in B briefly
30059 LD A,C Modify the pitch for the next mini-sound effect (it is 144 for the first, and then toggles between 111 and 16 for the remainder)
30060 CPL
30061 AND 127
30063 LD C,A
30064 LD A,B Restore the border colour to A
30065 POP DE Restore the duration to DE
30066 DEC H Have we played 20 mini-sound effects yet?
30067 JR NZ,30053 Jump back if not
30069 RET
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