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F986: Check for the presence of a plant pot
Used by the routines at 5D63 and FA4D. Returns with the zero flag set if either ERIC or the recently ejected contents of the water pistol are on top of a plant pot:
Location Plant pot
91,2 Near the top-floor window
93,9 Near the middle-floor window
132,16 To the left of the skool gate
135,16 To the right of the skool gate
H 0xD2 (ERIC) or 0xD6 (water/sherry)
F986 LD DE,$9FFC Point DE at the plant-pot y-coordinate table at 9FFC
F989 LD L,$02 Point HL at byte 0x02 of the character's buffer
F98B LD A,(DE) A=y-coordinate of the plant pot
F98C CP (HL) Does this match the character's y-coordinate?
F98D JR NZ,$F995 Jump if not
F98F DEC L L=0x01
F990 DEC D Point DE at the plant-pot x-coordinate table at 9EFC
F991 LD A,(DE) A=x-coordinate of the plant pot
F992 CP (HL) Does this match the character's x-coordinate?
F993 RET Z Return with the zero flag set if so
F994 INC D Point DE back at the plant-pot y-coordinate table
F995 INC E Next plant pot
F996 JR NZ,$F989 Jump back until all four plant pots have been checked
F998 INC E Reset the zero flag to indicate the lack of any plant pot here
F999 RET
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