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7854: Deal with the frog when it has been knocked out of a cup
The address of this uninterruptible subcommand routine is placed into bytes 0x11 and 0x12 the frog's buffer by the routine at 7615 when a catapult pellet has knocked the frog out of a cup. It controls the frog up to the point where it hits the floor, and deals with any collision with MISS TAKE's head on the way.
7854 LD A,($7FEB) 7FEB holds the inventory flags
7857 RRCA Has ERIC got the safe key already?
7858 JR C,$78A9 Jump if so
785A LD HL,$CC00 Point HL at byte 0x00 of MISS TAKE's buffer
785D LD A,(HL) A=MISS TAKE's animatory state
785E INC L L=0x01
785F LD E,(HL) E=MISS TAKE's x-coordinate
7860 INC L L=0x02
7861 CP $76 0x76: Is MISS TAKE sitting on the floor facing left?
7863 JR Z,$786D Jump if so
7865 CP $F6 0xF6: Is she sitting on the floor facing right?
7867 LD A,$FC A=-4
7869 JR NZ,$7870 Jump if not
786B DEC E
786C DEC E
786D INC E Now E=x-coordinate the frog would have to be at to be in line with MISS TAKE's head as she sits on the floor
786E LD A,$FD A=-3
7870 ADD A,(HL) A=y-coordinate the frog would have to be at to be level with MISS TAKE's head
7871 LD H,$D4 0xD4=frog
7873 CP (HL) Compare with the frog's current y-coordinate
7874 JR NZ,$78A9 Jump if the frog has not reached the level of MISS TAKE's head
7876 DEC L L=0x01
7877 LD A,(HL) A=frog's x-coordinate
7878 CP E Compare with the x-coordinate of MISS TAKE's head
7879 JR NZ,$78A9 Jump if they don't match
ERIC's pellet has knocked the frog out of the cup and onto MISS TAKE's head. Celebrate!
787B LD HL,$7FEB 7FEB holds the inventory flags
787E SET 0,(HL) Give ERIC the safe key
7880 LD A,$C8 Add 2000 to the score and print it
7882 CALL $73B5
7885 LD HL,$0300 Make the safe-key-getting celebratory sound effect
7888 LD D,$01
788A LD A,L
788B AND $3F
788D INC A
788E LD B,A
788F LD C,(HL)
7890 SET 4,C
7892 CALL $748C
7895 DEC L
7896 JR NZ,$7888
7898 NOP
7899 NOP
789A NOP
789B CALL $7C02 Print the inventory (which now includes the safe key)
789E LD H,$D4 0xD4=frog
78A0 CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for the frog's current animatory state and location
78A3 DEC E Move the frog one space to the left
78A4 INC A A=0x1D: frog facing left, airborne (phase 1)
78A5 INC D Make the frog fall one level
78A6 JP $6130 Update the frog's animatory state and location and update the SRB
The frog is still above the floor, but not in contact with MISS TAKE's head.
78A9 CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for the frog's current animatory state and location
78AC BIT 4,D Is the frog about to hit the floor (D=16)?
78AE JR Z,$78A5 Jump if not (to make it fall another level)
78B0 CP $1C The frog's animatory state will be 0x1D if it bounced off MISS TAKE's head
78B2 LD A,$1C 0x1C=frog sitting still, facing left
78B4 JR NZ,$78A6 Jump if the frog bounced off MISS TAKE's head
78B6 INC D D=17 (bottom floor)
This entry point is used by the routine at 78BA.
78B7 CALL $7746 Update the frog's animatory state and location and then resume control at 78BA
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