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Routines |
Prev: 6FF2 | Up: Map | Next: 703F |
Used by the routines at 720A (when the bike is travelling of its own accord, or ERIC is standing on the saddle) and 725E (when ERIC is sitting on the bike). Returns with the zero flag set if a wall or closed door lies in the bike's path, or the carry flag set if ALBERT is impeding the bike's progress.
7000 | RLCA | Set the carry flag if the bike is facing right | ||||||||
7001 | LD HL,$7FF4 | 7FF4 holds the doors flags | ||||||||
7004 | LD A,E | A=ERIC's/bike's x-coordinate | ||||||||
7005 | JR NC,$7032 | Jump if the bike is facing left | ||||||||
The bike is travelling to the right.
7007 | CP $BD | Has the bike hit the far right wall of the girls' skool? | ||||||||
7009 | RET Z | Return with the zero flag set if so | ||||||||
700A | CP $5D | Is the boys' skool door in front of the bike? | ||||||||
700C | JR NZ,$7014 | Jump if not | ||||||||
700E | BIT 3,(HL) | Is the boys' skool door open? | ||||||||
7010 | JR NZ,$702F | Jump if so | ||||||||
7012 | CP A | Return with the zero flag set if the bike has hit the boys' skool door or the skool gate | ||||||||
7013 | RET | |||||||||
7014 | CP $84 | Is the skool gate in front of the bike? | ||||||||
7016 | JR NZ,$701E | Jump if not | ||||||||
7018 | BIT 4,(HL) | Is the skool gate closed? | ||||||||
701A | JR Z,$7012 | Jump if so | ||||||||
701C | JR $702F | |||||||||
Neither the skool door nor the skool gate is in the way. What about ALBERT?
701E | LD A,($CD00) | A=ALBERT's animatory state | ||||||||
7021 | CP $7F | 0x7F: Is ALBERT facing left with his arm up? | ||||||||
7023 | JR NZ,$702F | Jump if not | ||||||||
7025 | LD A,($CD01) | A=ALBERT's x-coordinate | ||||||||
7028 | SUB $02 | A=x-coordinate of the spot 2 spaces in front of ALBERT | ||||||||
702A | CP E | Is the bike here? | ||||||||
702B | JR NZ,$702F | Jump if not | ||||||||
702D | SCF | Signal: ALBERT is stopping the bike | ||||||||
702E | RET | |||||||||
No obstruction lies in the bike's path.
702F | LD A,L | Set A to a non-zero value | ||||||||
7030 | AND A | Return with the zero and carry flags reset | ||||||||
7031 | RET | |||||||||
The bike is travelling to the left.
7032 | CP $01 | Has the bike hit the far left wall of the boys' skool? | ||||||||
7034 | RET Z | Return with the zero flag set if so | ||||||||
7035 | CP $60 | Is the boys' skool door in front of the bike? | ||||||||
7037 | JR Z,$700E | Jump back if so to check whether it's open | ||||||||
7039 | CP $87 | Is the skool gate in front of the bike? | ||||||||
703B | JR Z,$7018 | Jump back if so to check whether it's open | ||||||||
703D | AND A | Return with the zero and carry flags reset | ||||||||
703E | RET |
Prev: 6FF2 | Up: Map | Next: 703F |