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Routines |
Prev: 6DB5 | Up: Map | Next: 6DFB |
6DD2 | PUSH DE | Save ERIC's midstride coordinates temporarily | ||||||||
6DD3 | LD HL,$D205 | Point HL at byte 0x05 of ERIC's buffer | ||||||||
6DD6 | LD (HL),B | Place ERIC's post-midstride coordinates into bytes 0x04 and 0x05 of his buffer | ||||||||
6DD7 | DEC L | |||||||||
6DD8 | LD (HL),C | |||||||||
6DD9 | CALL $61B4 | Update the SRB for ERIC's current animatory state and location | ||||||||
6DDC | POP DE | Restore ERIC's midstride coordinates to DE | ||||||||
6DDD | LD L,$03 | |||||||||
6DDF | INC A | A=ERIC's next animatory state (midstride) | ||||||||
6DE0 | PUSH AF | Save this briefly | ||||||||
6DE1 | INC A | A=ERIC's post-midstride animatory state | ||||||||
6DE2 | AND $FA | |||||||||
6DE4 | LD (HL),A | Store this in byte 0x03 of ERIC's buffer | ||||||||
6DE5 | POP AF | A=ERIC's next animatory state (midstride) | ||||||||
6DE6 | CALL $6130 | Update ERIC's animatory state (to midstride) and location and update the SRB | ||||||||
6DE9 | LD L,$04 | 4=small value for ERIC's main action timer (fast) | ||||||||
6DEB | LD A,($7FF1) | 7FF1 holds the keypress table offset of the last key pressed | ||||||||
6DEE | BIT 3,A | Was the last key pressed upper case (fast)? | ||||||||
6DF0 | JR Z,$6DF4 | Jump if so | ||||||||
6DF2 | LD L,$09 | 9=large value for ERIC's main action timer (slow) | ||||||||
6DF4 | LD H,L | Initialise ERIC's main action timer at 7FF3 and the midstride/mid-action timer at 7FF2 to the same value | ||||||||
6DF5 | LD ($7FF2),HL | |||||||||
6DF8 | JP $7154 | Make a walking sound effect |
Prev: 6DB5 | Up: Map | Next: 6DFB |