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29462: Deal with ERIC when he's standing on the saddle of the bike
Called by the routine at 63405 when bit 7 at 32749 is set (by the routine at 29278). Listens for and responds appropriately to keypresses while ERIC is standing on the saddle of the bike.
29462 LD HL,32755 32755 holds ERIC's main action timer
29465 DEC (HL) Is it time to deal with ERIC yet?
29466 RET NZ Return if not
29467 INC (HL) Set ERIC's action timer to 1, ensuring that we pass through the following section of code on the next call to this routine if no keypress is detected this time
29468 CALL 29178 A=value from the keypress offset table corresponding to the key just pressed (if any)
29471 RET Z Return if no game key was pressed
29472 LD HL,32755 32755 holds ERIC's main action timer
29475 CP 114 Was 'jump' pressed?
29477 JR Z,29517 Jump if so
29479 SET 3,A Ignore the difference between fast (upper case) and slow (lower case) keys when ERIC's on the bike
29481 CP 92 Was 'up' pressed?
29483 JR Z,29517 Jump if so
29485 CP 94 Was 'down' pressed?
29487 RET NZ Return if not
This entry point is used by the routine at 29574 when ERIC has just got on the bike.
29488 LD (HL),5 Reset ERIC's main action timer at 32755 to 5
29490 LD L,237 HL=32749 (ERIC's status flags)
29492 LD (HL),1 Set bit 0: ERIC is riding the bike
29494 LD H,210 210=ERIC
29496 CALL 25012 Update the SRB for ERIC's current animatory state and location
29499 INC H H=211: bike
29500 CALL 25012 Update the SRB for the bike's current animatory state and location
29503 LD L,1 Point HL at byte 1 of the bike's buffer
29505 LD (HL),224 Set the bike's x-coordinate to 224 (out of sight)
29507 LD L,18 Remove the address of the routine at 29194 from bytes 17 and 18 of the bike's buffer
29509 LD (HL),0
29511 DEC H H=210: ERIC
29512 SUB 12 A=animatory state of ERIC riding the bike
29514 JP 24880 Update ERIC's animatory state and update the SRB
ERIC has tried to jump off the saddle of the bike. Check whether he has the frog and is underneath a cup.
29517 LD H,210 210=ERIC
29519 CALL 25012 Update the SRB for ERIC's current animatory state and location
29522 ADD A,2 A=2 or 130
29524 DEC D Set D to the y-coordinate of the spot above ERIC's hand as he jumps from the saddle
29525 DEC D
29526 CALL 64474 Prepare ERIC for his descent from the bike saddle
29529 LD H,210 210=ERIC
29531 XOR A
29532 LD L,A Point HL at byte 0 of ERIC's buffer
29533 BIT 7,(HL) Is ERIC facing left?
29535 JR Z,29539 Jump if so
29537 LD A,2
29539 INC L Point HL at byte 1 of ERIC's buffer
29540 ADD A,(HL) A=x-coordinate of ERIC's hand
29541 LD E,A Now DE=coordinates of the spot above ERIC's hand
29542 LD HL,32747 32747 holds the inventory flags
29545 BIT 2,(HL) Has ERIC got the frog?
29547 RET Z Return if not
29548 CALL 30216 Is ERIC's arm directly underneath a cup?
29551 RET NZ Return if not
29552 RES 2,(HL) Signal: ERIC no longer has the frog
29554 LD H,212 212=frog
29556 LD A,28 28: frog sitting (as on the floor or in a cup)
29558 DEC E Set DE to the frog's new in-cup coordinates
29559 LD D,11
29561 CALL 24880 Update the frog's animatory state and location and update the SRB
29564 JP 62401 Print the inventory and make a celebratory sound effect
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